My very first article for the Odyssey was about 18 things I learned at age 18. It's been a whole year, and now I am approaching the big 20. Just as I thought I was done learning, life gave me some additional lessons. Here are 19 things I learned at 19.
1. Some wild things can happen.
A few of my wildest stories have been from this year of my life.
2. Clothes you have in your closet from seventh grade might still fit.
3. Don't let others get in the way of your happiness.
A huge thing is to be happy with yourself and to love yourself.
4. You still don't have things figured out.
5. Everything just keeps getting more expensive.
6. Life is not always a party.
Who knew being adult required so much work??
7. Not every day will be a good day.
8. But not every day will be a bad day.
9. You can easily relate to an old man.
Back aches, grumpy, can't see without glasses, need a nap... We're one in the same.
10. You have no idea what you're doing.
11. You still have time to meet people.
You're not done meeting your best friends or significant others.
12. Some things will be out of your control, and you have to accept that.
This includes: how people feel about you, some events that happen to you, how long the line is at Taco Bell, etc.
13. You will learn what stance you take on certain issues.
Especially true if a presidential election is coming up.
14. Life may have its ups and downs, but at the end of the day, you are #blessed.
Don't take that for granted.
15. Your dog can offer the best type of comfort.
16. Don't hold anything in.
It keeps boiling up until you explode. Let it all out, girl.
17. Sometimes a Diet Coke and some Cheez-Its will make it all better.
18. The success stories you can tell from this year are important.
But ultimately, your failures, trials and tribulations will shape you and give you the skills to be stronger.
19. This is just the start of your life.
Take it easy. Relax.You have so much to look forward to. Like I said: you're not supposed to have everything figured out. Your life will not be 100 percent perfect or together. It's going to be OK.
Here's hoping 20 gives me some more valuable life lessons!