I am forever thankful for everything my parents sacrificed in order to send me to a Catholic grade school and high school. Looking back, I would never trade anything for my 13 years of attending a private school. I guarantee that anyone who went to a Catholic school can relate to these 19 signs:
1. Uniforms
Ah, yes. Those "stylish" plaid skirts, white button-up shirts, and navy pants. No matter how much you tried to accessorize yourself, you couldn't avoid dressing like everyone else. I can't help but hold back laughter when I'm shopping in Forever 21 and happen to see a skirt that is the SAME plaid as my uniform skirt that I wore every day for 4 years in high school. No matter how ugly they were, uniforms were a blessing because I didn't have to worry about what I was going to wear the next day.
SEE ALSO: An Open Letter To My Plaid Skirt
You felt like a rebel when you wore colored socks, and you worried that your skirt was two inches too short. We were trained to tuck in our shirts the second we walked into the building. You probably remember the day you switched from a jumper to a skirt when you got to the upper grades. But still, I cherished out-of-uniform days even if trying to find the perfect outfit to wear was equivalent to preparing for prom.
2. You Knew Everyone In Your Class
My 8th-grade class had 19 students. NINETEEN! It wasn't hard to know everyone, their parents and their siblings because it was such a small class. We were in the same room with each other every day for nine years. We stuck by each other when we were just tiny tots all the way up to our awkward puberty years. Having a new kid in class was a historical moment; everyone wanted to be the new kid's friend. It was easy for rumors and gossip to spread around quickly. But, in the end, I couldn't help feeling bitter sweetness when I graduated from grade school because they all felt like a family to me. You probably still have friends from kindergarten. Sure a couple kids came and went through the years, but you got to know this core group well. Together, you battled teachers whom you despised, started puberty, and sat through mass every week together. These are ties no graduation can break.
3. You Went To Weekly Mass With The School
Every Friday was mass day, and everyone had to be in proper uniform. You might have loved mass days because it meant missing an hour of class. Sometimes, we went twice a week if there was a holy day of obligation, such as Ash Wednesday. You might have had a favorite "church" song. I know I did. Apparently, hymns are more ear-wormy than you think. I don't know how many times I've been going through life singing "Lift High the Cross" or "On Eagle's Wings." You might have felt a tad bit special if you got picked to read a part from scripture, serve, or take up the gifts. You might have even gotten butterflies sitting next to the person you liked because you got to hold his/her hand during the "Our Father."
4. You Compared Who Had The Better Ash Marks On Their Forehead With Your Classmates.
You tried to decide who had the boldest and darkest ashes that actually looked like a cross on their forehead. Ash Wednesday was not the day to randomly wipe your forehead with your hand or sweatshirt. You sported those ashes on your head, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes when a non-Catholic person would ask you, "What is that dark stuff on your head?"
5. Saying A Morning Prayer And The Pledge Daily
It was one of the first things you did in the morning when you got to school. Everyone would instantly stand when the principal came over the intercom to say, "Please stand for prayer and the pledge."
6. You Probably Had To Complete Service Hours Once In Your Life
Volunteering for service hours was required for everyone to complete in order to get Confirmation. But it didn't just stop there. At my high school, EVERYONE had to get service hours every year! But, I have learned the value of community service and volunteering. I loved volunteering for Vacation Bible School every summer.
7. Public Schools Seem Like A Huge Maze Compared To Your School
Whenever you would visit another school, whether for sports or to see a show, you often wondered how these students could find their way around the MASSIVE school that was so much bigger than yours. My school had 3 floors with 3 hallways. LIKE HOW?
8. One Word To Describe Junior High Dances? AWKWARD.
"Leave room for the Holy Spirit."
9. Confession Was The Most Stressful Thing Ever
"Is the priest going to judge me?!"
"What are the words to the Act of Contrition, again!?"
Out of nervousness and stress, you probably just settle with, "I was mean to my siblings" or "I didn't listen to my parents" for every single time you went to Confession with your class.
10. You Giggle At All The Misconceptions Said About Catholic Schools
"Catholic schools are only for Catholic students." NOPE. Catholic schools are open to everyone! Being Catholic is not a requirement to attend a Catholic school. In fact, I had classes with several students who came from different religious backgrounds.
"Only rich kids go to Catholic school." Just because Catholic schools charge tuition DOES NOT mean that the parents who send their kids to a private school are rich. In fact, my parents sacrificed a lot to send my siblings and me through 13 years of private education. Tuition is a necessary evil for private schools, because they don't get government funding.
"There are nuns." Why do people believe that Catholic schools are filled with nuns? Maybe it depends on what school you go to, but I only had a nun for kindergarten. I can assure you that nuns are not the vicious monsters that are often portrayed holding a ruler to slap your hand.
"Catholic schools brainwash you." Forcing Catholicism on you is NOT the purpose of Catholic schools. Parents send their child to a Catholic school to get a quality education. Of course, you will be required to take religion classes, but in one of my high school religion courses, we studied all different kinds of religions; Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, etc.
11. Fundraisers Were Taken Very Seriously
They had you out pimping cookie dough, magazine subscriptions, wrapping paper, and coupon books every year. If your class won the fundraiser goal, you know what that meant.....PIZZA PARTY. Fundraising throughout the school year was almost like the Hunger Games when trying to win the class goal.
"3rd grade is beating us! Come on class, we have to win!"
12. You Never Forgot That It Was Friday During Lent
You probably went to the school's fish fry with your family, and if you didn't like fish, you ate cheese pizza instead. You couldn't help but feel constant guilt if you accidentally ate meat on a Friday during Lent.
13. You Probably Dressed As A Biblical Figure At Least Once In Your Life
From putting on Christmas concerts to reenacting the Passion during Holy Week (you probably envied the person playing Mary or Jesus), you no doubt had to rock a beard, head shawl, and long tunic at least once. Don’t lie. Your mother has photos. Bonus if you had to dress like your favorite Saint for All Saints Day.
14. Church Festivals Were The Highlight Of Your Summer
What's not to love about reuniting with your friends after being a month away, wearing shorts and a tank top and not being worried about getting a demerit for dress-code, getting to play festival games, winning prizes and eating burgers, hotdogs, and ice cream? #lit
15. 'Catholic School's Week' Was The Best Week Of The School Year
All across America, Catholic schools celebrate what is known as Catholic School's Week. During my time celebrating this memorable week, my school had Pajama Day, Family Day for parents and grandparents to come to school with you, Crazy Day, a trip to the cathedral for mass, and other fun activities planned throughout the week.
16. High School Theatre Shows Were PG
As a theatre kid, this was always the one thing that made me say, "Catholic school probs." I'd see public schools putting on shows like Grease, Les Miserables, Sweeney Todd, etc, and I'd ask myself, "Why can't my school do those shows?" And then I remember... I go to a Catholic school. No foul language, no "suggestive or inappropriate" scenes, no gore. I'm still very thankful for my high school drama club that allowed me to grow out of my shell and discover my love for theatre.
17. Sex Ed? More like 'Abstinence Class'
"Don't have sex....because you will get pregnant and die."
18. You Made Sure You Had The Perfect Dress For The Holy Sacraments
1st Communion white dress? Check.
Reconciliation dress? Check.
Confirmation dress? Check.
19. When You're An Adult And Remember That You Don't Get Good Friday Off
Ugh, adulting.
No matter how much you complained about those long 13 years of school, you'll always love your Catholic school and the memories and friends you've made.