19 Signs You Go To A Jesuit University | The Odyssey Online
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19 Signs You Go To A Jesuit University

It may be hard to believe, but not every college has crosses on all their buildings.

19 Signs You Go To A Jesuit University

1. You live in a dorm named after a saint.

Saint John Francis Regis, Society of Jesus (or SJ), Saint Ignatius Loyola, SJ, Saint Isaac Jogues, SJ, Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, SJ, Saint Edmund Campion, SJ, St. Peter Faber, SJ, Saint Stansislaus Kostka, SJ, and St. Peter Claver, SJ. Yep...think we're covered.

2. Your University President, dean, at least ONE professor, or next door neighbor is in the S.J.

On a rare occasion, he'll even invite you up to his mansion.

3. Inspirational Jesuit catch phrases are everywhere.

4. You know your Jesuit values like the back of your hand.

Cura Personalis, Magis, Reflection, and Educating Men and Women for and with Others...like you needed to know.

5. When the Pope came to the United Sates, seats on the bus to Philly were sold out within the first week of school.

Thank God (literally) that they added a second bus.

6. Statues of saints surround your campus...mostly St. Ignatius.

Robert Bellarmine, SJ, may or may not make an appearance.

7. Religion is a mandatory part of the core that you take to become a "well- rounded human being."

8. You've been on at least one retreat or service trip.

Your time will come...if it hasn't already.

9. Come Friday and Saturday though (and the occasional Thursday), no one knows how to party like the Jesuits.

10. You, or some of your friends, have never been to a co-ed school before college.

Boys? Girls? Together? WHAT?

11. You have at least one friend named Sean, Katie, Matt or Meg...or another absurdly common Irish-Catholic names.

Maybe Sinead, Niamh, or Keleigh??

12. St. Patrick's Day is probably one of the most celebrated holidays on campus.

Two words: Sham. Jam.

13. Your friends at state schools ask, "Wait, you go to church?"

9 p.m. every Sunday at the Egan Chapel. Be there or be square.

14. We always get at least three days off for Easter.

So what I'm really hearing you say...spring break round 2?

15. "How do you survive without Greek life?"

Clubs, community service groups, and talking to people in my class? CRAZY, I know.

16. "Is everyone there Catholic?"

All faiths (Christian and non-Christian) are represented and welcomed here, but we still have to go to class on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (#perksofpublicschool).

17. "So are you, like, saving yourself for marriage?"


18. You know your brother or sister is going to come here, no exceptions.

Stags up!

19. Because lets face it...Jesuits are the coolest people in the world.

Shout out to you Pope Francis, the first Jesuit Pope.

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