Petty means, "of little importance; trivial," but when someone says, "that girl is petty" or "sorry, I'm just being petty," it means they have taken a small subject and blown it out of proportion. We all have our moments when we think we are king or queen of the world and we act a bit petty sometimes, but some of us live the lifestyle of being petty - jokingly or not so much. Those of us who are petty, yea yea, we are petty, and you know these are true if you or your friends are petty.
1. You are crazy on Twitter.
2. Subtweets for days

3. When you act petty, you will point out when the aggressor is being petty.
4. You wear a crown wherever we go.

5. You are confident.
6. You enjoy when your enemies' fail.
7. Condescending is a second nature.
8. You already know the answer to most of your questions.
9. You're not afraid to call someone out.
10. You can be narrow-minded.
11. Your reactions are loud and dramatic.

12. You have to have the last word.

13. You're always right.. even when you're wrong.

14. You don't mind blocking someone.

15. You take note of every thing, literally every thing.
16. If someone did you wrong, they deserve equal pain.
17. You act like you don't care, but deep down you really do.
18. You get mad about something someone does, but it's okay if you do it.
19. You know the Petty song and dance better than anyone else.
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