Being a strategic communications major is not as easy as it sounds. There are countless quirks and annoyances that affect our everyday life. Everything from package design to the oxford comma, our brains are constantly buzzing. Despite the constant slander, us strat com majors are proud of our field and will boldly claim any of these 21 signs!
1. You constantly explain what strategic communications is...
"Never mind, it's basically just advertising or public relations."
2. You also explain what kind of jobs you can get with a strategic communications degree.
Fun fact: you can basically do about anything and anywhere you want. Really, we could go on forever about the endless possibilities.
3. You educate people on the fact that PR and Advertising are NOT the same thing.
They are two completely different industries, people. COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.
4. You are super critical of any advertisement you see.
Doesn't matter if it's a social media advertisement or a commercial on TV, you better believe we're criticizing every inch of it.
5. Likewise, you often see something and think, "That would make a great slogan!"
We eat, breathe and sleep strat com, whether or not we want to.
6. You love the Super Bowl advertisements more than the Super Bowl itself.
Seriously, we live for the million-dollar commercials.
7. You want to work on homework and study anywhere alcohol is sold.
"Hey, wanna work on our group project at Fuzzy's?"
8. You constantly ask, "Is this AP Style?"
The Style Guide is basically our second bible.
9. You dream of working in a big city.
"I want to work for an advertising agency in New York!"
10. You have a serious passion for hating the oxford comma.
If they could all just disappear, that would be great. Thanks.
11. You can smell another strat com major from a mile away.
I don't know what it is, but we can always spot our own kind.
12. You know almost everyone in all of your classes and on a first name basis.
We have all of our classes together. Literally, all of them.
13. You love any movie or TV show related to journalism, advertising, etc.
We've watched "Mad Men" more than once or twice.
14. You have a hatred for group projects.
"I like you guys, but like can we not?" We are way too picky about our work.
15. Your professors spend an entire class talking about current events.
I mean this is cool, but will it be on the test?
16. You subscribe to multiple media outlets like The New York Times, CNN, Skimm, etc.
We feel like nerds, yet we love it.
17. You'll refuse to purchase an item because the packaging is awful.
"Are you kidding me? They used Comic Sans. Over my dead body will I buy that."
18. You actually enjoy major class projects.
We have the opportunity to get a taste of the real world, and it makes us even more excited for our future careers.
19. You know the best professors to take for your classes.
Fellow classmates are more than helpful when it comes to picking out your schedule and what professors to take.
20. You debate with yourself every month on whether or not to buy an Adobe subscription.
Yes, I need this for class, but can I get away with just buying one program?
21. And finally, you feel a sense of belonging when walking into the journalism building.
This is my tribe. These are my people. I am content.