19 Sure Signs You're From Spokane Washington
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19 Sure Signs You're From Spokane Washington

Yo, the Spo is beautiful though.

19 Sure Signs You're From Spokane Washington
Christopher Barker

I’ve been a resident in Spokane Washington for my entire life- that’s nineteen years to be exact. When I was younger, I hated this podunk city and it’s seemingly insignificant role in the greater picture of planet earth. However, as I grew, I noticed that this quirky little town has some characteristics that bring it together as a community, and with this realization came another: this town isn’t so bad after all. If you’re actually from Spokane, then at least half of these nineteen statements will ring true for you.

1. Bowl and Pitcher is your favorite place to hike.

This beautiful park showcases everything you love about the PNW: aromatic pine trees, coursing rivers, and that breathtaking Washington sky. Plus, standing over the moving bridge makes you feel like Rose standing on the edge of the titanic.

2. Donut Parade has the dankest doughnuts in town.

Freshly baked every morning, and the only place worth waking up early for! Whether is a dozen on Sunday morning or just a maple bar before school/work, donut Parade is the best taste for your buck.

3. Seattle is your go-to road trip destination.

It’s not too far from Spokane (about 6 hours), so whenever you feel like going away to some place nice for the weekend, Seattle is a pretty convenient option.

4. You don’t run unless you’re running Bloomsday.

This marathon allows you to get your annual workout in.

5. This meme resonates with you:

6. You fed the ducks at Manito even though you’re not supposed to anymore.

Watch out for the geese though! Those birds are sassy little things.

7. Somewhere in your photo albums is a picture of you in elementary school with the red wagon.

(and again when you’re 80). This tall wagon is one of Spokane’s coolest monuments! It’s got little monkey bars hidden underneath, and a long slide that’s too hot to use in the summer. If you’re not from Spokane, but if you're ever in the area, bring your children here because they (and you) are bound to have fun.

8. You’ve been on too many Hoopfest teams to keep count.

Not to brag or anything, but Spokane hosts the largest three-on-three basketball tournament in the world. It’s arguably the most enjoyable event that the city hosts all year. You could probably meet the whole city if you showed up downtown that day. Spokane knows that ball is life.

9. Constantly changing weather doesn’t phase you anymore.

We may never get tornados, but our weather can be a little crazy at times. It could be the middle of spring, and snow might fall at any minute from the beautiful sunny skies here in Spokane. Some days, it might be raining in your front yard, but bright and cheery in your backyard. You just never know with Spokane. Mother Nature can make up her mind with our town.

10. You drive on roads that are 70% pothole and 30% asphalt.

Seriously Spokane, can we get some quality road, or are you trying to kill us?

11. You might be a Spokie, but you’ve never heard the term before.

Apparently, at Gonzaga, the students call the creepy citizens Spokies. It’s a combination of the word Spokane and spooky. If you look or act scary, and you’ve had some interaction with a Gonzaga student, then you’ve probably been called a Spokie. It’s slightly a derogatory term, but as a native of Spokane and a student at Gonzaga, I embrace the term! I’m a Spokie!

12. The waterfalls downtown still make you speechless.

This is breathtakingly beautiful. Spokane really doesn’t suck.

13. In high school, you or someone you know made out on Cliff Park.

Cliff Park is the perfect location to drive and watch the sunset. People go up to the cliff to see the night lights too! That’s when couples make out in their cars, and teens drink their booze. It’s a beautiful sight, despite the empty beer cans that are lying around.

14. The IMAX theater is the biggest screen your eyes have ever seen.

Remember all of the 3D science specials that our middle school teachers took us to see here? Those were the good ole’ days.

15. Drinking water from other cities tastes disgusting because we’re blessed with the aquifer.

Too blessed to be dehydrated.

16. Friday night lights were spent at the Joe Albi stadium.

As a high schooler, it always feels so cool to be wandering around the stadium, watching your high school team rush the ball 40 yards. It doesn’t get this full anymore, but it’s still a blast!

17. The marmots make a cameo every time you're downtown.

*sees marmot* BAI!

18. Zags are your favorite basketball team.

Your face when someone says they don't like the Zags.

19. You might say you hate the city, but you know that you admire the hell out of it.
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