Have you been called a bookworm more times than you can count? Are some of your friends fictional? Is reading a book your idea of a party?
If so, you might be a book addict. Here are 19 other signs of addiction.
1. You carry a book everywhere you go.
Oh, you're driving yourself to a place to meet with friends and have conversation with other humans? Better bring a book just in case.
2. You read more than one book at a time.
"I'm reading this one before I go to bed, and this one because I need to learn about how this works and this one because it's new..."
3. You go into mourning when a favorite character dies.
*finishes "Allegiant"*
*sees train*
"Tris used to jump off of trains..." *sobs*
4. You've accidentally found yourself praying for characters.
"Lord, please help the Baxter family... wait no never mind."
5. Bombs could go off while you're reading and you wouldn't even notice.
True story: I once was deep in a book when a gasoline additive plant exploded about 15 miles away. There was a gigantic boom, the house shook and I never noticed. My family had to tell me about it later.
6. You have figured out how to successfully read in the shower.
"If I put the book here and the towel here..."
7. You own multiple copies of your favorite books... and you still buy more.
You need the paperback, and the hardback, and the 10th anniversary edition, and the copy you had to buy to get it signed and the funky 2nd printing cover...
8. You have fallen downstairs, tripped over multiple objects and walked into walls while reading.
As long as you don't lose your place, it's all good.
9. You keep buying bookshelves, but somehow your books are still overflowing onto the floor.
10. You evaluate every potential furniture purchase in light of your desperate need for book storage.
That's a great treadmill, but can it store books? No? Moving on, then.
11. You spend an inordinate amount of time organizing your bookshelf.
"Can I really put "Anne of Green Gables" and "Lord of the Rings" next to each other? Or should "Chronicles of Narnia" go in between them? Should I have organized everything by size or color instead?"
12. You head straight for the book section in any store, no matter what you actually came for.
No book section? Why are we even here?
13. You give books for all birthday and Christmas presents.
Books = love.
14. You keep a book that you are currently reading in every room.
And one in the car.
15. You view books as double-duty home decoration.
Yes, they're beautiful, but the main point is to read them.
16. You've considered library school as a means of learning how to manage your massive home library.
17. All your friends know that books are going to be a part of the relationship somehow.
Love me, love my books. It's non-negotiable.
18. You are familiar with the terms "book fog" and "book hangover."
Book fog, noun, 1. The inability to function or engage in reality after finishing a good book. 2. Feelings of detachment, aimlessness and lack of focus resulting from finishing a book or series. Synonym: book hangover.
19. You rant about books to any friend or family member who will listen.
And the fact that they let you is one of your favorite things about them.