19. Every morning should start with a grateful thought and a large cup of coffee.
Source- pinterest.com
18.Sometimes you just need to put your hair up and deal with it.
17.When in doubt, wear comfortable shoes.
16. Trends may fade, but red lipstick is forever.
15. Exercise is a blessing, not a punishment.
14. Clothes look the same whether you buy them at Goodwill or not.
13. Love is love. It was, it is, it will always be. There is no reason for shame.
12. Words are sacred, never waste them.
11. You might be short, but you can always stand on a box. Some problems are much harder to fix.
Source-Laurel Lancaster
10. “Everything you eat is sunlight made physical. You are radiant and forever.” -WTNV
9. Never go anywhere without a knife. Or duct tape.
Source- pinterest.com
8. If you ever feel superior to your parents, remember that they taught you how to use a spoon.
7. Every day, every hour, every breath offers a new opportunity for greatness. Use it.
Source- twitter.com
6. Movies need popcorn, peanut butter needs jelly, and pineapple belongs on pizza.
5. Accept when you’re wrong, accept when you’re right- but never accept ignorance.
Source- hercampus.com
4. If a friend calls at 2am, answer. Because at the moment they needed help, they thought of you first.
3. Protect nature. It is your sanctuary, your best friend, and sustains us all. Without it, we are nothing.
2. Leave this world something beautiful. A book, a song, a classroom full of happy kids, a smile to a stranger on the street. Nothing is too small.
1. Love without limits. “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” - 1 Corinthians
Source- pinterest.com