Christmas break rocks, no doubt about it. Nothing says fun like relaxing and hanging out with family and old friends; however, 99 percent of the time, you leave your dorm room to go home and therefore leave your roommate. In many cases, this person is or has become your absolute best friend. What are you going to do without them for three to four weeks? The world may never know. The weeks (or maybe months) leading up to Christmas breaks are full of Christmas talk and shenanigans, and you know your roomie has been there for it all -- when break rolls around, the nonstop texting or Snapchatting begins. Here are 19 things you and your roommate have said to each other as Christmas break approaches:
1. "What do you want for Christmas this year?"
Typically answered with "a boyfriend or a 4.0."
2. "When is it socially acceptable to decorate for Christmas?"
3. "Which one of us is getting the tree?"
4. "I got you a stocking and I've already put some stuff in it."
No, most of it is NOT appropriate.
5. "I called your mom for Christmas ideas."
6. "I'm using Christmas money to buy you more Christmas gifts."
7. "To Roomie, Love *insert name here*."
8. "Do you think we'll get in trouble if we light a pine-scented candle?"
9. "Who cares, RA's are a bunch of Scrooges if they get mad about Christmas-scented candles."
10. "Do I HAVE to get you a gift? Isn't living with me enough of a present?"
"My presence is a present" -- Kanye West
11. "When are you leaving for Christmas break?"
12. "Please don't leave me for Christmas break."
*leaves anyway for Christmas break*