Back in November, I turned 19 and began my last teenage year around the sun. I'm not sure if that thought freaks me out more, or excites me... I think it depends on the day. But, on my birthday I made a list of 19 things I learned in my 19 short years in this world. Here it is:
1. You will be like the people you surround yourself with, so choose wisely
I've learned that its okay to separate myself from people I grew up with or childhood friends. I don't owe them my time if they aren't making a positive impact on my life. It's important to surround yourself with positive and genuine people. It will make all the difference in your day to day life.
2. Less is more
This applies to so many things. Clothes, makeup, friends, money... having 'a lot' of something doesn't always mean better. Stay conscious and be wise. It's okay to be picky.
3. Stay true to yourself
This is so important, yet so easy to forget. It's hard not to get wrapped up in what other people are doing, especially with social media. Always make a conscious effort to be aware of your choices and aren't bending you values to fit others' expectations.
4. It's O.K. to put yourself first—in fact, it's much needed
There will be hard times in your life where sacrifices will have to be made. But, there will also be times where its necessary to put your needs first or else you might lose yourself. Take care of yourself.
5. It's O.K. to question things
Tonight on the phone, my brother said something wise to me, "It's harder to question things rather than going along with what everyone else says. You'll figure things out for yourself." So ask questions and explore. Do not conform.
6. Love hard
"It's better to have loved and lost, the to ever have loved at all." Your heart will be broken. Pray. Take a deep breath. Talk to someone about it. Listen to some music. It will all be okay, I promise.
7. Don't worry so much
This is something I remind myself daily. Too much time is wasted on what could happen, instead of what is. Begin to spend more time in present.
8. Stop holding grudges
Life is too short and goes by way too fast. Love more. Forgive more. Have more empathy. They try to convince you this is a weakness, but it's contentment and maturity.
9. Maturing faster than your friends is hard, but it's O.K.
I've struggled with feeling like I'm at a different stage than my friends for what feels like my whole life. I've had big dreams and big plans since I was little, and I plan to do those things. It's okay to not want to go out when you'd rather stay at home and watch movies all night. It's not boring or weird, despite what others may think or lead you to believe.
10. Get a planner and journal more
Is this what growing up feels like? Getting excited to check things off your to-do list? But for real, a planner is a lifesaver, especially for an anxious soul with a billion things going on in your mind at once. Definitely a college essential. And try to journal more. Its therapeutic and a great way to work through everything thats going on in that head of yours.
11. Appreciate high school, but it's bogus
It's not too likely you'll keep in great touch with your friends from high school, but that's okay. Appreciate the easy times while you have them. Believe it or not, life gets harder. And get ready, college teaches you so much about yourself.
12. Unplug once in a while
When I'm sharing this with someone in the future (LOL, I really didn't plan on this being anything but something in my personal journal), the world will probably have gotten much more 'techy'. Technology is great to a extent, but remember to unplug for the sake of your sanity. Don't get too caught up in what's behind a screen.
13. We're all more alike than not
Our similarities really outweigh the differences. We're all humans just trying to master this crazy thing called life. Try to remember that when you're having a bad day because we all have them.
14. Have more empathy
We all just need a better understanding for each other. At least that's my thought. We need to learn more and open up our minds. Accept differences and tolerate each other. It's true you never know what someone else is going through. Instead of judging and making assumptions, take time to learn and understand. Simple.
15. Bite your tongue
My mom always told me this when I was younger, and I wish I would've listened to her. It's hard sometimes, but really try to think about things before you say them. Words are permanent and have strong effects.
16. Drama is avoidable, so avoid it
There will always be those people that feed off of drama and gossip. Stay away from those people and those habits. Nothing ever good comes out of it, anyways.
17. Spend more time doing things you love
So much of my time is wasted thinking about what fun adventures I could be having instead of actually doing them. Get your booty up and actually do them. No excuses. You can make time if you try.
18. Reach out more
One of the hardest things for me to do is to reach out to people. I just can't seem to make the first move! But it means so much when someone does to me. Make an effort to talk to more people and learn their stories.
19. Keep dreamin' big
Don't let fear of failure stop you from having big dreams and wild adventures. Keep setting goals and working towards them. Make each day a step towards what you want out of this life.
I think I've learned most of these things throughout this past year. Growing up and moving out will do a lot to you. I'm still learning each day. I wonder what 19 has in store...