Well, my 19th birthday was almost a month ago and it was one to remember. Family and friends asked the typical question, "Do you feel any different, any older?". But if I really think about it, I do see myself growing as a person. Life is full of lessons, whether we realize them at the moment or not. I see myself slightly more mature, having gone through certain experiences in the past and learning how to deal with them. In this life I have learned hundreds of lessons but here are 19 I have learned by the age of 19:
1. Be nice...even when you don't want to be.
This is a super important that you should always keep in mind. You should always want to be friendly and nice, if you aren't it kind of ruins your personality. Just try it out, even if it's towards someone you're not really a fan of, put a smile on and show them that you can be the bigger person.
2. It's okay to be the innocent, good girl.
Especially in highschool, girls, please do not think you need to be the girl that constantly texts guys and has a boyfriend. It's completely fine to not make it to every party. Hey, my first boyfriend wasn't until my junior year, and I'm alright with that. And PS, people end up liking the sweet, innocent girl a lot more than you think.
3. You're parents are usually always right.
You may not realize right now, but this is very true. Looking back on times my parents gave me advice in certain situations and I didn't believe them...I can now see that they were right. Trust their opinions because they are wise, they've been through a lot.
4. Don't stress over a boy.
This is a MAJOR NO NO. You are young, worry about yourself right now. Boys are more immature than you right now anyway. If he likes you, great, if he doesn't, you didn't need him anyway.
5. Try not to stress at all.
This one I'm still working on. If you try and stay organized and calm, there shouldn't be much stress. Stress just isn't good for the mind.
6. It's okay to eat ice cream for dinner some nights.
No matter what age, sometimes you deserve or honestly need some sweets. Don't be hard on yourself when it comes to food.
7. Study hard, work hard.
It's great to party and have fun, but you cannot forget to study/work. School is very important, especially in college. I mean you don't go to college to party every day, you're in college to get a degree, to take a step further into your future.
8. But your GPA doesn't define you.
Yes grades matter, but please don't get too worked up over them. Everyone goes through a few bad tests or grades. Your grades do not define you as a person.
9. Take time for yourself.
Definitely hang out with your family and friends and meet new people, but spend a little alone time. I personally don't like being alone, but it actually helps. Take advantage of the quiet time you get.
10. Go for a drive, windows down, music blaring.
This is one of my very favorite things to do. If it's a pretty day, hop in the car, either alone or call some friends, roll down the windows and enjoy the ride. Blare some music, have singalongs with your friends. To me this is when my worries disappear.
11. Do what makes you happy.
This doesn't mean be a will child. But do what you like to do, don't follow the crowd so much. It is very simple.
12. Friendships can be hard.
Try and hold on to old friendships while you make new ones. Some friendships might end but it is probably for the better. Even you only have 3 close friends, those people will probably stick with you no matter what.
13. It's okay to cry for no reason.
I'm a very emotional person, so I cry often, in happy and sad situations. Don't apologize for crying, it's a natural thing. And sometimes you just need to let everything out, don't hold back the tears.
14. Learn to forgive.
This is major. This is often tough and most people don't like doing this. But trust me, after you forgive someone whether it is for something big or small, you will feel at ease with yourself. Forgiving someone might take time, but it is worth it.
15. Surround yourself with positivity.
Surrounding yourself with positive people will only make you an even better person. Sometimes you might not even realize that some people in your life are bringing you down with them. Being with positive people will help you in the long run and will make life more enjoyable.
16. Exercise.
Even if it is once a week, it's exercising. I know it sucks thinking about it and doing it, but after you really do feel refreshed and more awake. A healthy mind and body go hand in hand.
17. Take lots of pictures.
This is a big thing with me. I love taking pictures, and I make sure I take some at every social thing I go to, just to have. I take pictures of the sky, my family, and my friends. Pictures capture moments and I want to always remember fun moments.
18. Learn to love yourself.
This past year I've heard many times the phrase, "You have to love yourself before anyone else can". It took me awhile to understand, but now I get it. How can you let a stranger love you if all you see in yourself in flaws and problems. Love yourself, every one should.
19. You're so young.
Stop at this very moment. Whether you are 14 years old or 75 years old reading this, you are young. You still have so much living left to do. Your life is far from over. Keep these 19 life lessons in mind and go out and live! What are you waiting for?