Tuesday is my birthday and I just can't help but be underwhelmed by the upcoming date. To be quite honest, turning 19 is a birthday full of nothing, nothing, and nothing.
No new rights are gained, no new age category is moved up into, no one knows where exactly you are in the game of life.
Here are 19 ways turning 19 is the least eventful birthday of all told by Parks and Recreation, the latest show I've been watching. (FYI one or two points cater to Summer birthdays, which, no doubt, are the best)
1.You can already vote so nothing new there.
2. You can already drive too.
3. But you still can't drive a rental car.
4. You can already buy a lottery ticket. ![]()
5. You can already buy spray paint. 
6. You can already buy cigarettes. ![]()
7. But you still can't legally drink
8. You are on the awkward border between wanting to be seen as an adult and never wanting to stop being a teenager.
9. You feel too old to have a legit birthday party. 
10. But you want to celebrate while you're still young ![]()
11. You are probably out of high school and on to greater things, but that means your new college friends are probably far away and your co-workers from your summer job aren't close enough friends to invite yet. And you've grown apart from many of your high school friends. So the question is "who to invite to the not birthday party party?"![]()
12. You're not 18, you're not 20, you're not 13, you're not 21, you're not 16, you're not 30...you're just plain old 19. ![]()
13. People don't know what to get you so you don't get super cool presents anymore.
14. But how do you ask for something you need instead of something pointless without sounding like a child with a wishlist. ![]()
15. You're 19, you're finally (hopefully) out in the real world so people expect you to want to talk about that.
16. But they also think you're too young to understand "adult" things. ![]()
17. Kids aren't as easy to get along with anymore either. (And they definitely think you are older than you really are.)
18. There are a lot of things that 19 year olds cannot do and it's almost like it pleasures people to use their power against your weak, teen status.
19. But I guess turning 19 means being one step closer to being far away from all of these awkward circumstances, and that's pretty decent after all.
Turning 19 is all about turning the awkward fences in life into anything you can dream up. And guess what, obstacles can finally be conquered considering the amount of time you won't waste on worrying about your age and the non-existent perks that come with it.