Finals week is approaching. On the bright side, that means summer break is right around the corner. To get you through, here are our favorite Pawnee residents breaking down 19 things we all feel during the most dreaded week of the school year: finals week.
1. The weekend before finals week and you need to prepare for the s**t storm that is going to be your life for the next seven days.
2. When you start studying and realizing you need a miracle.
3. When the final is cumulative.
4. When you rage out at your subjects because you literally know nothing.
5. When you've been studying for ten straight minutes.
6. When you've been working for too long and your notes no longer make sense.
7. When the stress of finals week becomes too much.
8. When your ten-minute break turns into a two-hour nap, but you decide to get back to work.
9. When you decide to tackle studying for your hardest final.
10. So like the reasonable, resourceful pupil you are, you get a tutor. And they blow your damn mind.
11. Trying to keep your head up, knowing that instead of watching Netflix during the semester, you should've been studying.
12. Walking out of your easiest exam like.
13. Walking out of your toughest exam like.
14. Now comes teacher/course evaluations.
15. Waiting for your grades to be posted.
16. When you see grades are finally posted.
17. Are you sure you're ready to see them?
18. Of course, you did fine. You did great!
19. You made finals week your b***h.
I was going to sign off with some inspirational insight into how finals week isn't that bad and, in the end, your grades will be rockin' because you're rockin' but...
Go study.