17. Pick Your Favorite 2018 Albums And We'll Guess If You're A Gen-Zer Or A Millennial | The Odyssey Online
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19 BuzzFeed Quizzes To Take When You're Procrastinating

No one likes homework, but everyone likes ignoring it.

Tracy Le Blanc

With classes getting more in swing and the coursework growing by the second, it's not hard to get lost in all the chaos that encircles college life. Distracting yourself from the stressful work environment and getting away from classes and hours upon hours in the library is good every once and a while. Here are 19 BuzzFeed quizzes that will help you procrastinate from your homework, but don't take too much time off!

1. Rate These "SpongeBob SquarePants" Characters And We'll Give You An Episode To Watch Right Now


2. Go Shopping At Urban Outfitters And We'll Sort You Into A Hogwarts House


3. How Common Are Your Ice Cream Flavor Preferences?


4. Which Harry Potter Character Is Your Dorm Buddy?


5. Which Major Should You Have Based On The Celeb Squad You Build?


6. Tell Us Which Disney Men You Have Crushes On And We'll Reveal Which '80s Movie You Should Watch


7. Which Disney Villain Was Meant To Be Your Parent?


8. Answer 10 Questions And We'll Tell You Which Miley Cyrus Album You're Most Like


9. Which Odd Subject Should You Major In Based On Your Favorite TV Characters?


10. We Know Which College You Should Attend Based On The School Lunch You Pack


11. Everyone Has A Fictional High School They Should Attend — Here's Yours


12. Shop For School Supplies At Target And We'll Reveal Which Disney Villain Has A Crush On You


13. Which "Great British Bake Off 2018" Baker Are You?


14. Eat Nothing But Chick-Fil-A For A Day And We'll Guess Your Eye Color


15. Which Avenger Should Be Your Travel Buddy Based On The 5 Countries You Pick?


16. Tell Us Whether You'd Take These College Classes And We'll Guess Your Dream Job


17. Pick Your Favorite 2018 Albums And We'll Guess If You're A Gen-Zer Or A Millennial


18. Go Shopping For Your Dorm And We'll Tell You What To Major In


19. Pick Some Foods And We'll Reveal Which 2018 Movie To Watch


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