White supremacist and alt-right leader Richard Spencer came to Auburn University on Tuesday, April 18, expecting a crowd of supporters. Instead, he got a crowd of students showing him that racism was not welcome on Auburn's campus through a series of hilarious, heart-wrenching and empowering tweets. Here are some of the highlights.
1. This realization that was all too accurate.
Is there an alt-right haircut catalog somewhere? Because I swear these haircuts LOOK alt-right https://t.co/h6yxmMVRZr
— Aubielicious (@AubieIicious) April 18, 2017
2. The most accurate doppelgänger we've ever seen.
Everyone remember Nevel Papperman from iCarly? This is him now... Feel old yet? pic.twitter.com/qNsFTcMr4V
— Jake Horigan (@horigan_jake) April 19, 2017
3. This vow to protect our most prized establishments.
If they touch Chicken Salad Chick we RIOT
— elisabeth (@elisabeth_hess4) April 18, 2017
4. This girl, who is the hero we need but don't deserve.
Watch this one black woman get #RichardSpencer and this entire room of white people together in 60 seconds. Enjoy. #Auburn pic.twitter.com/8loTWO42FD
— Morgan Buckles (@MBucklesXO) April 19, 2017
5. This point that every sane white person was thinking.
Richard Spencer " [Whites] who care about diversity? They're boring. Let's be honest those are lame whites."
Me: pic.twitter.com/zBLEN0HeqQ
— Carter-William (@carterwpalek) April 19, 2017
6. This tweet that shows the dedication of Auburn football fans, even the racist ones.
Richard Spencer went to Auburn and said they should ban football. Even racists were like pic.twitter.com/sg3M0PZL9F
— raven (@_raven_io) April 19, 2017
7. This excuse for students to chant a student section fave.
*BREAKING NEWS* The Auburn students outside of the Richard Spencer event have started chanting "SHOVE IT!!"
— Drunk Aubie (@DrunkAubie) April 18, 2017
8. This example of hard hitting journalism.
"They may be heading to...a bar?" baffled Buzzfeed journalist says in livestream as he unknowingly follows kids to 17/16
— Kaley Turner (@klyturner) April 19, 2017
9. This girl, who didn't give a f*ck about Spencer's sexist remarks.
richard spencer made fun of my large tshirt and norts so that's always fun
— Tori Brown (@Tori_Brownn) April 19, 2017
10. This threat that didn't scare us at all.
When Richard Spencer said Auburn will "rue the day"... pic.twitter.com/LzEj5BDWtU
— Harlan Bailey II😎 (@Harlan_Bailey6) April 14, 2017
11. This protest fail.
funniest thing from the #RichardSpencer protest was that a loud noise went off&police ran to it but it was a kid who ran into a metal sign
— Karlee Nip (@KarleeNipper) April 19, 2017
12. This polite, yet effective, diss.
@RichardBSpencer I'm sure the 30 supporters that came to your rambling attempt at a speech had a good time. Don't hashtag my school. Safe travels home.
— Trey Palmedo (@trey_palmedo) April 19, 2017
13. The carrot guy.
There's now a student dressed as a carrot dancing in protest of the alt-right. College, man. pic.twitter.com/HvxaEWwmal
— Julia Reinstein (@juliareinstein) April 18, 2017
14. This question we all want the answer to.
What I really wanna know after yesterday is how many nazis stepped on the seal without knowing they'd get bad luck
— Gabby Dance (@gabrielladance_) April 19, 2017
15. This tweet, which I'm including solely because I love that they're referred to as "the weirdest looking humans alive".
Little fight footage from yesterday from the weirdest looking humans alive pic.twitter.com/zj77Qep55Z
— Barstool Auburn (@WarDamnStool) April 19, 2017
16. This message we all want heard.
message to richard spencer and all of his supporters pic.twitter.com/ks9JrdpEVM
— hannah taylor (@han_taylor98) April 19, 2017
17. This fact check.
bruh u had like 15 supporters and they weren't even students they were middle aged white guys and then we literally ran yall out of our town https://t.co/emxsUYuz17
— Kressie (@kressiek) April 19, 2017
18. And lastly, this glorious edit of Cam Newton doing some nazi punching.
@RichardBSpencer pic.twitter.com/vdBNEJnINv
— OJ CHIPSON (@OJCHIPSON) April 19, 2017