Whether you know it or not, Brendon Urie from Panic! At The Disco is a certifiable gem in this world. He's very funny, good looking AF, talented, and it's just hard to not totally love him. He'll make you laugh and have heart eyes all in one go. If you follow him on social media, particularly on Periscope and Vine, then you already know the silly adorableness that is Brendon Urie. He's genuinely just a goofy and easygoing dude who loves making music, playing with his dogs and acting like the total goober that he is. Also, he's fine as all heck so there's that, too. Here are some gifs to illustrate several times where you've fallen in love with this wonderful, gorgeous and silly man:
1. Whenever he's on Periscope because he somehow always looks adorable on there:
Look at that face!
2. And then when he threw in his dog and you just died:
This one just isn't even fair, honestly.
3. When he killed this backflip and then gave us a graceful bow:
A man of many talents.
4. When he did the piano rendition of "This Is Gospel" while looking like this, and you needed to be excused for the rest of your life:
*Heavy breathing*
5. When you saw just how perfect his teeth are and you were totally blinded by the beauty of it all:
That smile is just so... *dies*
6. When he tried to act cute as heck on purpose and it totally worked:
He's cute and he frigging knows it.
7. When he did this giggle smile thing and was the cutest chicken nugget in the world, and you couldn't even live:
So precious, ugh.
8. When he was supposed to be playing a corpse but was totally the prettiest corpse you've ever seen:
Um, hello, dead people are not supposed to look this cute.
9. When he was genuinely just a silly person who made you laugh, and you were like "I think I really love this man":
This is funny, and you know it.
10. And again:
You know you laughed. Don't even deny it.
11. When you saw his back muscles in the "Girls/Girls/Boys" music video, and you nearly lost your damn mind:
I need, like, eight glasses of cold water.
12. When he posted this Vine and you sort of cried over how beautiful his lips are:
These lips are a work of art. They deserve to be appreciated.
13. When he was dressed like this and life wasn't even fair because his attractiveness was too real:
There is no way someone can legally look this good in a Hawaiian print shirt and a beanie.
14. And then when he wore this red suit and you straight up died:
On the death certificate, it'll say "Cause of death: seeing Brendon Urie look fine as all hell in that red suit."
15. When this happened and your heart skipped multiple beats:
This is the most distracting gif in the world.
16. When you watched him play the drums and you sorta swooned everywhere:
*insert 10 thousand heart eyes emojis*
17. When he did this and your heart blew up from a love overload because this man is actually just too perfect:
How can one human being be so precious?