It's finals time across college campuses and everyone is struggling. We all feel the stress and we all are dreading those horribly long tests. New Girl understands the struggle is real and in these hard times, we all just need a little laugh. You'll make it through, but not without an emotional roller coaster along the way.
1. When you're in your last lecture and your professor reminds you how soon finals actually are and you are reminded of how much work still has to be done.
2. But like everyone, a little celebration of the end of classes never hurt anybody.
3. When you wake up the next day and realize your weekend has to be dedicated to studying.
4. When you still need three more pages for your final paper, but have nothing else to say.
5. You finally open those untouched textbooks and start highlighting everything because you didn't pay attention all semester.
6. When you read the first sentence of the textbook and are already completely lost.
7. When you've reached that point of studying where you just can't go on and all you want to do is take a nap.
8. But you've had enough coffee or energy drink to rally and keep going, and you start going a little crazy.
9. When you feel like you should just study so you never leave your room for food.
10. When you finally get to the night before the test and your professor sends you a motivating email that gives you some hope of passing.
11. When you get to the day of the test and know there is only one suitable outfit for the occasion.
12. When you get the test and look at the first question only to realize you know absolutely nothing.
13. When you know you failed it and it's obviously not YOUR fault, so you blame everyone else.
14. But everyone else thinks they failed too so you'll definitely get that curve.
15. When you finish one final but realize you have a bunch more.
16. When you take your second exam and it also feels like they were trying t fail you.
17. But you finally get to that last exam and no matter what happened, it's FINALLY break time.
18. When you survived another college semester and even though it was hard, you can't wait for the next one.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have now made it through finals week! Enjoy all the eggnog, cookies, and New Year's parties you can! You DEFINITELY deserve it! If you still have tests, good luck! The holidays are right around the corner!