A picture is worth a thousand words, and a picture that moves is worth a million. Or is magic. In honor of the semester soon coming to a close, here's the fall semester as told by "Harry Potter" GIFs.
1. When you're waiting for the summer to end:
I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored.
2. When you're packing up, finally heading to school, and your mom says you've over packed:
Mom, I can do it myself. I've got this. It's fine.
3. When you get to school and your mom was right:
Everybody makes mistakes. (Everybody has those days.)
4. When you're a freshman making friends:
Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe. Please. Please call me. I know no one else.
5. When you're a freshman making friends you know you're going to hate:
Do not call me. Don't even ask for my number. I will see you once a week for the next four years, and I will avoid eye-contact when I can, and when I can't, I will respond like this:
Stop waving to me.
6. When you see the freshman:
We were all freshman once, but for some reason, we forget that as soon as we become sophomores. You all look so young. And goofy. And innocent. And weird.
7. When the first day of classes begins and your professors expected you do to 'summer reading':
8. When you try to answer a question in class and you were completely wrong:
"The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell....Oh this is math class?"
9. When your friends are going out but you can't because you have too much homework:
Except you don't have an owl. You just have papers and sadness. "Hello" by Adele plays softly in the background.
10. When your friends go out but they forget to invite you:
That didn't hurt. My bedroom is interesting. Even though it still doesn't have an owl in it.
11. When your friend is having a mid-semester breakdown:
It's OK "insert-name-here," I feel your pain.
12. When you're the friend having the mid-semester breakdown:
Because you, for some reason, think you always need to keep it together.
13. Trying to decide which assignments you need to do first:
Assignments, assignments everywhere!
14. When your professors give you study guides for your finals:
"There are five words on this study guide. Oh yes, those are the five topics we've studied this semester. Review them all."
15. When you finally begin to study:
That book is the size of one binder. You have five more to go through.
16. When you're taking your finals:
Because we're all at least one of these. (And most of us are Harry.)
17. Walking out of your last exam and knowing it's time to go home for Christmas:
Don't get too excited though. It's only December. And you know that...
18. When January comes around you have to do it all over again.