18 Times I Fell In Love With Kappa Kappa Gamma | The Odyssey Online
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18 Times I Fell In Love With Kappa Kappa Gamma

18 Times I Fell In Love With Kappa Kappa Gamma

1. I fell in love with Kappa on the first day of recruitment.

I was really excited going into recruitment because as someone who attended an all girls high school, I was desperately looking for a sense of sisterhood that I had left behind at Marian. Yet the first day of recruitment was not what I was expecting. All of the conversations I had were very surface level and almost felt fake.

That is until I went to the Kappa room.

I had the opportunity to talk to a group of women who seemed genuinely interested in having a real conversation, and from day one, I was convinced I wanted to be a Kappa.

2. I fell in love with Kappa during my first sisterhood retreat.

Even though Kailyn and I had met each other before recruitment, we bonded at the first sisterhood retreat over one terrifying question.

“So, who do you want as your big?”

We were both completely freaking out over the fact that the people we wanted as our bigs were ignoring us.

3. I fell in love with Kappa when I screamed, “I knew it was you!”

To this day, people still get confused when I answer my phone and say, “hey mom,” because they don’t know if I am talking to my biological mother or my big.

4. I fell in love with Kappa when I was initiated.

I don’t know if there’s a better feeling than being officially welcomed into the greatest sisterhood around.

5. I fell in love with Kappa when a bunch of sisters piled into my car and went to get birthday cake frappuccinos from Starbucks to celebrate 20 years of frappuccinos.

6. I fell in love with Kappa when I found my best friend.

I came away from the first new member study hour with the goal of becoming friends with Meghan. Looking back, that’s super creepy, but I have accomplished just that, and I don't know what I would do without her.

7. I fell in love with Kappa when I was elected Public Relations Chairman.

Being trusted by your sisters to do something that you love is one of the most amazing feelings. A year later, I have constructed many social media posts and designed three newsletters. I’ve planned events and helped design t-shirts. Being PR Chair gave me a chance to do what I love for an organization that I love.

8. I fell in love with Kappa during recruitment as a sophomore.

I still remember how full my heart felt during the mid-week recruitment practice on Wednesday night. Everyone was telling real, authentic stories about their sisters, and the memories everyone shared made me so proud that I was surrounded by such an amazing group of women.

9. I fell in love with Kappa when my heart shattered.

During my sophomore year, my little sister passed away, and it was the most difficult time I’ve gone through. However, the silver lining was the support I received from my Kappa sisters. They comforted me and loved me when I needed them the most, and I will never be able to thank them enough for that.

10. I fell in love with Kappa when I got my little.

She is the greatest person in my life, and she is everything I aspire to be. Technically, I am supposed to be her mentor, but she’s taught me more than I could have ever imagined. She was the perfect addition to our family.

11. I fell in love with Kappa when I went to the 71st Biennial Convention.

Surrounded by 1,000+ other Kappas, I realized that we are truly united by the same values, words and songs. I realized we are all part of one giant sisterhood that extends so much further than our own colleges, and it was a truly incredible realization to have.

12. I fell in love with Kappa when Pris Gerde came and spoke to our chapter at Founder’s Day.

13. I fell in love with Kappa when I realized that I have the best fam around.

14. I fell in love with Kappa when drives with sisters became a thing.

Too stressed to do school? Too much to gossip about but nowhere to go?

Might as well drive around Omaha for 2 hours and just talk.

15. I fell in love with Kappa when I watched my chapter watch our recruitment video teaser for the first time.

It was the most overwhelming feeling watching everyone’s reaction to the video I tried so hard to make authentic. They laughed and awed in all of the right places, and it made my heart rejoice.

16. I fall in love with Kappa every time we sing “Stay Stay Stay” at the top of our lungs.

Thank goodness my sisters are just as big of hopeless romantics as I am.

17. I fell in love with Kappa at Dance Marathon.

Watching my sisters come together to support a cause so close to many of our hearts was incredible, and so was screaming “Breaking Free” at the top of our lungs.

18. I fell in love with Kappa when I was elected President.

In all actuality, I fell in love with Kappa before I was elected President.

It was my love for Kappa that made me want to be president. Two years of memories came together in an overwhelming love for my sisters and created a pride for my sorority that will never be tarnished.

Yet there was something so special about being chosen to lead the women who inspire me every single day. Having them place their trust in me made me fall in love with Kappa all over again.

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