The holiday season is officially here, so even if you’ve been blasting Christmas music since November 1st, it is now socially acceptable to get into the spirit. Personally, I love binge watching Christmas movies once Thanksgiving is over, and I think it's easy to say that one of the best Christmas movies out there is “Elf.”
Why? It’s simple; Will Ferrel is hilarious as Buddy the Elf. Just like the typical college student, he’s an adult (that acts like a kid) who’s figuring out things as he goes along. We can all sympathize with him because being an adult is hard, so here are 18 times when all college students can relate to Buddy and his struggles:
1. When you thought you did well on a test but you bombed it.
It truly feels like someone just beat you up.
2. When the cute guy in your class makes eye contact with you (even though you don’t know his name).
In a lecture hall filled with over 100 students, he chose to stare into your eyes for about 0.2 seconds. It's true love.
3. When you’re studying and you just can’t remember any of the information to save your life.
College really does remind you that deep down, we're all cotton-headed ninny-muggins.
4. When you’re straight up jaywalking because at this point, getting hit by a car means free tuition.*
*Disclaimer: Please do not intentionally get hit by oncoming traffic. Jaywalk at your own risk.
5. When you make unhealthy choices and your friends start to question your sanity.
Or they'll join you in your endeavors. Either one.
6. When the professor tells you that everything you need to know is clearly stated in the syllabus.
"Clearly stated" is a huge exaggeration, let's be honest.
7. When you’re trying to relax after a hard day but your dorm room is tiny.
Everything is elf-sized in a residence hall.
8. When a sequel to a kid’s movie comes out, but you’re more excited than the kids.
Not exactly college specific, but I'm sure every college student was like this when "The Incredibles 2" trailer came out.
9. When your professor had the audacity to get a sub when he/she is gone and you walk into class.
Because cancelling class would be so much easier?!?
10. When the dorm hall food is disgusting but you just got to stress eat.
It tastes so bad, yet so good.
11. When you check your grades knowing that they haven’t improved at all.
But you need to check, just in case that 'C' magically turned into an 'A' overnight.
12. When you’ve had your third cup of coffee and you’re on a caffeine rush at 11 p.m.
This is probably when you're at your best.
13. When you spend too much time playing with the therapy dogs at the health center instead of getting actual work done.
They're basically your dogs at that point.
14. When you try to pet the campus squirrels.
They look so cute, but they're so fierce.
15. When your professor gives you reading over the weekend.
And it's never just a few pages either; it's at least 50.
16. When you’re enjoying life then you get assigned two papers, three quizzes, and an exam in one week.
Boom. Literally out of nowhere.
17. When you made it through the weekend without making bad, impulsive decisions with your bank account.
Sure, you still only have $8.59 in your account, but it's the little things that count.
18. When you realize that in order to get to winter break, you have to go through finals first.
But just like Buddy the Elf, you can power through your obstacles and end up being okay. So don't let finals get you down, because the holiday spirit will always be there for you during these trying times.