No one understands college (and life in general) than comedian John Mulaney. He is best known for his work as a writer on ‘Saturday Night Live’ and his stand-up comic specials (‘New in Town’ and ‘The Comeback Kid’ both on Netflix). If you have not seen this man in action, you are missing out. One of his skits literally describes college when he says “Your opinion doesn’t matter in elementary school either. It matters in college. College is just your opinion. Just raising your hand and being like, ‘I think Emily Dickinson’s a lesbian.’ And they’re like ‘partial credit.’ And that’s the whole thing.” But Mulaney describes college much more than he thinks he does--he really speaks to the souls of college students everywhere.
1. When you are running late for class:
2. When you thought living away from home would be like vacation:
3. When you have to fill out your own paper work or do your own laundry:

4. When your parents are explaining how to do something and you nod as if you understand:
5. When you’re kissing up to a professor:

6. When the professor says the test is cumulative:

7. When you think about what you'll be doing if you drop out:

8. When participation matters:

9. When nobody knows what the test says and the professor leaves the room:
10. When you reminisce over your freshman year:
11. How you feel on Monday after a weekend of partying:
12. When you realize the work load compared to high school:

13. When it’s finally Friday and you just want to sit in to watch Netflix, but you said you would:
14. When your parents call asking what you did over the weekend:

15. When you cross the road without looking, but you don't care:
16. When you don't know what to do with your emotions:

17. After you've finished a semester:

18. And college explained in general:

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