1. Forty five minutes before the tickets go one sale – time to get online. You can never be too early.
2. Refresh the page approximately every three minutes. What if my computer’s clock is wrong?
3. Do I have a log in for Ticketmaster? StubHub? I must have all of my information entered ahead of time.
4. I’m shaking.
5. Wi-Fi, please do not fail me.
6. Currently having a minor panic attack.
7. Is it normal to be this nervous when buying concert tickets?
8. Oh sh*t. It’s time.
9. *Violently clicks on cheapest tickets*
10. OK. Where’s my credit card?
11. Why do I only have two minutes to complete my order?
12. I’m still shaking.
13. I think my order’s confirmed. Maybe.
14. It’s confirmed.
15. I might cry.
16. OK body, you can stop shaking now.
17. I may be in the very back, but at least I’ll be there.
18. Best day ever.