Let's be honest, middle school was a dark time for all of us. It’s like the weird middle child of education. It was when you were at your most unattractive, most insecure, and most painfully awkward. Between braces, glasses, and just not knowing who you are, middle school was rough. Sometimes I look at old pictures of myself, or recall some extremely embarrassing moments, and cringe. I’m not usually one to dwell on the past, but if I had the opportunity to speak to my 11-13 year old self, I would have more than a few choice words to say.
1. Limited Too is not your friend.
Just keep walking please I beg you.
2. Bermuda shorts are also not your friend.
Oh no, why did you do this to yourself?
3. High school is better than middle school, and college is better than high school.
You're going to grow and learn more about yourself as you get older. Yes, classes will get harder, but you're going to have some of the best experiences of your life and middle school will become a distant memory.
4. Everything that seems so important to you right now isn’t going to be in the future.
The clothes you wear and your "reputation" isn't going to matter when you are older so spend less time worrying about whether or not you've bought enough Hollister denim shorts and just have fun.
5. If you want to do something, do it. Don’t be scared.
If you want to take up a certain activity, don't worry that people will make fun of you for it. It's okay to try new things! Do the things you love to do without fear.
6. People really do like you better if you’re just yourself.
Don't do or say things just for the sake of pleasing other people. It's okay to form your own opinions and be honest, people will appreciate you more.
7. Braces suck, but you’ll be so unbelievably happy that you had them.
The painful tightening and the dreadful rubber bands will be well worth it when you realize your smile is documented on countless forms of social media.
8. Don’t ever hold back a compliment.
Everyone’s insecurity level was at an all time high, so if you like someone’s shoes, tell them, it could sincerely make their day.
9. I know you think you looked really good at 8th grade promotion, but no…no you did not.
Poofy dress + styling tool damaged hair + braces = not one of your best looks.
10. Why on earth did you buy so much Hollister?
You battled through the overpowering perfume smell and paid a whole bunch of money on clothes that will just pile up in the back of your closet.
11. Every “cute” picture you take now will be an absolutely hilarious tweet in the future.
The duck face or the weird hand gestures that were popular are all going to come back to haunt you.
12. Try hard in school.
Seriously, it’s not “cool” to not do your work. Get it together or you're going to regret it. School is just going to get harder and you'll be much better off if you actually do well now. Unless you're one of those people that can sleep every single class period and still get straight A's. In which case, I don't like you.
13. Don’t let anyone push you around or make you feel bad about yourself.
Everyone is wonderfully made, and you should not be afraid to stand up for yourself. You should surround yourself with people who make you laugh, not put you down.
14. These are supposed to be your awkward years!
Believe it or not, there is life beyond middle school, and it does get better. It's okay to not have perfect teeth or fully understand how makeup works. This is the time to learn about all of that. No matter how out of place or weird you feel, know that everyone else is just as clueless as you.
15. Some of the friends you have today, may not be your friends in the future.
As life goes on, people drift apart. Your interests change, and you become distant from certain people. It sucks, but it also makes you realize who is going to be there for you in the long run.
16. Be kind to everyone.
You don’t know what someone is going through in their life. It never hurts to be nice. Be the person that makes someones life better, not worse.
17. People change.
Sometimes for the worse, but mostly for the better. Forgive people, because you’re going to grow up and learn from your mistakes and want to do right. Give other people the opportunity to do the same.
18. Don’t care so much about what other people think.
Be that weird little person we all know you are and be happy.