When you’re 18, you think you’ve finally learned everything you need to know, yet your world is only just beginning. Eighteen is supposed to be a year for celebration, but more often than not it’s a year of realization, looking back on the childhood you have to be ready to leave behind. Whether you’re younger than 18 or older, here are some thoughts you might want to hold on to.
1. It’s okay to be wrong
We live in a world where you “have” to be right about everything, out of fear that the entire world will hear of our shame. It’s not true. Answer that question in math class and get it wrong- you won’t get it wrong on the test. Defend your argument, even when you’re unsure. Let yourself learn. Just always try, because truthfully, not trying will always be worse than trying and failing.
2. Don’t be so eager to grow up
I know it’s what you’ve dreamed up since you were a little kid dressing up in mommy’s jewelry or wearing daddy’s shoes, but hold onto the time you have when you’re young. Embrace the mistakes you’re going to make and the experiences that will only happen once. Whether elementary school, middle school or high school, it won’t last forever, so enjoy it while it’s still happening and don’t wish it away.
3. Try everything, even if you’re scared
There’s only so much time in the world to do so many things. Why not try out for that team you’ve been wanting to join? Or that production you’re afraid you won't make? If you try, the worse thing that happens is you learn how to improve. It’s scary to take a risk, but when pays off, it’s worth it. Don’t let your own fear hold you back from being the best person you can be.
4. It’s okay if you’re not good at things
Some education systems try to make you think that if you’re not good in math or science, you’re not good enough. That is never the case. Wherever your aptitude is, experience it fully. Whatever you’re not good at, strive for improvement. It’s okay if the laws of physics just don’t make sense to you or if you can’t carry a tune to save your life. We all have strengths and we all have weaknesses, so embrace it all- what you can and can’t do.
5. You can’t change yourself for someone else
Whether it’s a parent, friend, or significant other, you are who you are and you are perfect. Don’t cramp yourself into a box to be something someone else wants you to be. Embrace your “you-ness” and don’t let anyone stop you. It is much more authentic to be a unique version of yourself than an adaptation to someone else, and you will feel much better for it.
6. Pursue your passions at all costs
Your passions are the biggest components of what makes you, you! Find them and hold onto them. As you uncover more about your passions, you’ll discover more about yourself, who you are and who you want to be. You discovered you love swimming? Go take lessons, go volunteer to be a lifeguard and go improve your skills! You found out reading takes you to another world? Read everything you can get your hands on! Do what you love, and happiness will find it’s way to you.
7. You don’t have to be anything
Don’t let the world make you think you have to be a doctor or a lawyer to be successful or happy. You will find your own way, build your own path, whether other people like it or not. If you follow a path of what other’s want you to be, you will find yourself stuck in a dead end, wondering what you really want. Let yourself think for yourself, though it’s easy to get lost in the expectations of others.
8. Enjoy time with your family
Believe it or not, one day you’re going to miss your mom asking you how you day was or your sibling wanting to borrow your clothes. If you spend your life brushing past them, waiting to leave the nest, you’ll never be able to truly grasp just how special they are. They’re the people who are going to be there when your boyfriend or girlfriend dumps you, when your friends fight with you or when you feel like no one understands you. Trust me, they will understand.
9. Love everyone in your life
From the friends you cherish dearly to the family that has always been there for you, love everyone. Some people want to love sparingly because they are afraid of not having enough love for themselves. But love is all about taking the plunge, knowing sometimes in frigid waters it’ll be hard to bob back to the surface, but you always will. You don’t have to worry about not having enough love for yourself because when you love others, love will find its way back to you. Love people who deserve your love, because anything can happen and in an instant that love could be gone.
10. Wear what makes you feel comfortable
Don’t let people always keeping up with the latest styles make you feel inferior. What you wear doesn’t define who you are, and the important people in your life already know that. No one remembers you by what you wear; people remember you by who you are.
11. It’s okay to ask for help
Everyone needs help sometimes (I promise, it’s not just you!). Not everything in life is easy. Asking for help is the best way to help you grow and learn. Don’t let stigma of being wrong hold you back, because asking for help can only help you get better!
12. Don’t let anything get in the way of your schoolwork
As a girl who prides herself on overwhelming her schedule, believe me. Friends, clubs and fun are all grand, but when you’re able to put your work first, it really pays off. And that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun, because your social life is an important aspect of what makes you you! But maybe turn down that one party next Saturday to study for your big test on Monday, and it might make all the difference. Your knowledge is what is going to give off the best reflection of you to everyone whether it’s colleges, co workers or potential bosses.
13. Always be honest
You’re told when you’re in kindergarten that “honesty is the best policy” and it most definitely is! Lies can grow out of proportion in a moments notice and they’re not worth the trouble. Yes everyone tells white lies once in awhile, but the more truthful you are, the easier your life is. If you tell your friend her short hair makes her look super cute, you’re going to have to force yourself not to cringe in her presence. Honestly means less effort and stress over things like that!
14. Allow negativity to be exiled from your life
You do not need negative energy. All the people who carry around so much bitterness in their hearts they can’t move on are not worthy of your time. Negative people bring you down with them. Surround yourself with the positivity of people who have learned to pick themselves up and move on. You deserve positive things in your life.
15. Embrace happiness
I’ve never been one to believe that happiness is a choice, but when it comes to you, embrace it. Don’t waste time being skeptical over what could happen, but accept what is happening now. Happiness is everywhere; take advantage of it as it comes your way. Live in every moment it has to offer.
16. Don’t waste time with people who don’t benefit you
There are going to be people in your life who try to tear you down. When you recognize them, don’t forget you are not obligated to stay. Stay away from people who are miserable with themselves and can’t bring others any happiness; they will not do you any good. You deserve joy in your life, and you deserve people who will bring you joy.
17. Being a leader is rewarding- take the risk
Whenever you get the chance, be the leader. It might be scary, but you’ll find yourself utilizing skills you never knew you had. You’ll emerge from the experience stronger, and more secure in your abilities. Everyone has the potential to be a leader, but few have the guts to actually do it. Be one of the few.
18.Life is going to be tough, but you are going to be tougher
Everyone has their downfalls. Everyone make mistakes. Life is going to get you down but it’s on your worst nights where you cry yourself to sleep you’re going to wake up in the morning feeling stronger. You’ll find friends who give you strength to keep moving forward. Life isn’t always easy, but it is always worth it. You can do it!