It's the big one eight. You're finally legal! So what does that mean? Well, you can sign your own permission slips for school, get piercings or tattoos without a parental consent, vote, be on a jury, and go to jail! Sounds exciting right? Sure, but what's more exciting is all the lessons you should have learned before you turn 18.
1. Learn to love yourself.
There is nothing better then the feeling of wanting to do good for yourself. Be the best version of you! You only get this life once, why would you sit there and watch everyone else improve and wish you can be like them when you canbe better than them?
2. Don't waste your life away by sitting at home watching Netflix.
I'm not saying a day here or there is bad, I'm saying don't watch your life away. Go outside and explore the world around you, there are so many places on this earth that are waiting for you.
3. Find your passion.
Whether it's painting, writing, dancing... Find what you love to do, and embrace it. Don't worry about what other people say, because they're always going to have something to say no matter what you do.
4. Be friends with everyone.
I know, it's hard. It's high school and not everyone likes each other. But that doesn't mean you have to hate each other. After you walk off that field for graduation, you might never see them again. Make the most of it while you can.
5. Be grateful for everything.
Whether it's gas in your car or food on your plate, be grateful. It's the least you can do. Some of us don't get the chance to learn how to drive or get a car, be thankful.
6. Tell your parents you love them.
You'll be going off to college next year and might not get to see or talk to them everyday. You'll wish you said goodnight to them in person when you had the chance.
7. Don't let anyone change you.
There will be people who think they're superior to you and that they own you, newsflash... They don't. At all. You're your own person. Don't forget that. Also, don't change because someone doesn't like you... Some things are meant to be.
8. Think before you speak.
I mean that. "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" is what I was told in elementary school. Soon after I learned it's the complete opposite. Words are the worst type of hurt; they stick with you forever. You don't know what anyone is going through no matter how well you know them. Be kind, always.
9. Live in the now.
No, not the "let me refresh my Twitter timeline and see the latest debate." I mean live today to the capacity and make a difference! The outcome can be life changing, never accept no for an answer.
10. Know how good you have it.
Whether it's teachers or parents guiding you throughout life, one day they aren't going to be there for you. You have to learn to be independent.
11. Time management.
I've realized that I always thought I had more time than I did. Whether it was getting ready, or going somewhere, time is always moving. No one is going to wait for you in life, keep up.
12. Be selfless and selfish at the same time.
Two very different words that can make or break a person. There is a difference between conceited and knowing who you are. Don't let anyone take you for granted or use you. You are your own person and be proud of who you are, don't let people who tell you differently ruin that.
13. It's okay to express your emotions.
I don't mean cry every night because you failed a test. I mean, emotions are what makes us human. Our lives are centered around emotions of ups and downs in our life. You'll have high points and you'll have low points, it happens to everyone. Learn to accept and move on with it.
14. Stand up for what you believe in.
Whether it's an in-class discussion, or something you highly strongly agree/disagree with, don't be afraid to stand up for your opinion. Speak out. 90% of the time someone else has the same opinion but is too scared to say it, don't be afraid.
15. Teenage girls are just mean.
I will never understand this one. Girls depreciate each others' self confidence all the time and I don't know why. Shouldn't you all be building each other up? Boosting everyone's self confidence? Don't be the reason someone cries themselves to sleep, be the reason they smile when they look in the mirror.
16. Your true best friend that will be with to till the end is your dog.
Let's be real. Your furry friend will never let you down, always gets excited to see you, and never turns their back on you. Plus they love you unconditionally.
17. Don't be scared to ask for help.
Even though you're 18, everyone needs help at some point in their life. Whether your car got stuck, you're unsure of something or something else happened, don't be embarrassed.
18. Don't waste time perfecting and planning your life.
Life has a way of putting twists and turns on every corner and side street. You really don't know what tomorrow is going to bring. Live in the now, be grateful and remember, everything always happens for a reason.