Whenever you hear about roommate stories, they're almost never good, and they usually scare you into never wanting a roommate. "Did you hear her roommate steals her clothes?" "Her roommate doesn't shower!" "Wow, her roommate doesn't talk at all, and doesn't do laundry." From what I hear, there are more bad stories than good. That is why I consider myself lucky, because my roommate is nothing like one of those bad stories. When life hands you a good roommate after talking to about 40 girls through Facebook, a few things happen.
1. You always have someone to talk to.
2. You know each other's schedules and whenever you both have a break is an exciting time.
3. You'll never have to dance alone.
4. You always have someone to do something with, even if it's just walking down the hall.
5. You both look out for each other, because this is your first time without your parents.
6. You always have a shoulder to lean on when things get tough.
7. Borrowing each other's things is a daily thing.
8. You TRY to help with each other's homework and assignments.
9. They're encouraging when it comes to boys (unless they're a f*ckboy).
10. They're your biggest support system and your personal cheerleader.
11. They never forget to wish you luck on a big exam.
12. They accept how gross you are in the morning and not so pleasant sometimes.
13. You both know each other's favorite and least favorite things.
14. Leaving each other notes saying goodbye before class if you don't see them is normal.
15. Saying goodbye for breaks is upsetting.
16. Not seeing them all day is upsetting.
17. You have more pictures together than any of your other friends.
18. You found a best friend for life.
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