Sometimes growing up in a small town or just living in a small town can be like living in another world. Events occur that would not normally occur in your typical big city happen on a daily basis. Normal people just would not understand.
1. Everyone knowing you and you knowing them right back
2. With this, you know that everyone also knows everything about you. And if they don't, they will eventually find out.
3. But, because you don't live in a city with all of its ins-and-outs, you also have nothing to do... like ever. So you have to make your own fun.
4. Because you can't find anything to do, you end up pointlessly driving around town with your friends. Aka: backroading.
5. One thing you focus on, however, is high school football. The town almost revolves around it.
6. So, naturally, the town is the most spirited ever.
7. This also means homecoming was the closest thing to Christmas and your birthday combined. And, the mums/garters were as big as Texas.
8. Dating is also huge. Because there aren't many options and you end up dating your friends ex boyfriends/girlfriends. Talk about awkward...
10. Living in this place isn't always boring because living by cows/horses/any other animal is completely normal. And maybe even seeing people ride them..
11. But if people aren't riding their animals, you will see most guys driving trucks.
12. Because there are only a select few favorite restaurants in town, the employees even begin to know your name by heart and your order.
13. Since there is a lack of choices in restaurants, there are also not as many clothing stores. So you become an expert at online shopping.
14. Not only is there a lack of food and shopping options, there is also a lack of places to go with friends. So you and your friends have no other choice than to come up with meeting places such as "the church," "the parking lot" or "the field," etc.
15. And, bonfires were always an option in these various hangout spots.
16. Despite how fun all of this seems, everyone always talks about how they cannot wait to leave this town.
17. Even though the majority of these people end up living in this town their whole life and never leave.
18. But, as boring and strange as it may seem, this small town will always be the place you call home.