Being 18 was a year of many changes and new experiences. On July 7, 2016, I turned 19 years old. Where had the time gone? So much has happened that I cannot even explain it all! Writing for Odyssey is giving me the opportunity to reflect on the past year in a way that gives me a creative outlook on my life. Here are 18 things I learned at age 18.
1. Emotions are OK.
2. There is life after high school.
I thought everything I loved to do was coming to an end, but through college experiences, I learned that is not the case. There is so much more in the world, and I can continue doing what I love in many different ways.
3. I can do whatever I want if I have the drive to do it and so can you.
There are many things I want to do, and not very much time, but with a certain drive and time management, I can make it all work out.
4. Listen.
I never know what is going on. I should stop and listen more.
5. Be present.
With everything going on in the world, it is very important in any situation to be focus on being in the moment because it will soon be over and another will arrive.
6. Explore.
There is so much more in the world than just my little home town. Take the time to travel, visit new places and learn more about this place we call Earth.
7. Parents do more than we think.
I am very grateful for everything my parents do. As I get older, I realize more and more what adults need to do to survive for themselves and their children. I love you.
8. I hate being broke.
Dear college and no job, you make me sad. I have found now I appreciate earning money more, and it makes me happy.
9. I don't have to be friends with everyone, but being friendly is cool.
I met so many people my first semester of college. Do I remember all of their names? No. Do I see all of them during the week? No. I have my friends that I have made throughout the year, and I am sure I will make more in the future, but for those people I only see once, just being friendly is the nicest and best thing.
10. College is not impossible.
I thought high school was hard, so college must be way harder. College is difficult, but it is not impossible. It is all about scheduling and doing classes that might interest you. You don't have class every day or all day, so time management and willingness is what got me through my first year!
11. A lot can happen in a year.
When I first turned 18 years old, I was getting ready to head off to college. Now, I have finished my freshman year and getting ready for sophomore year. I have had different friendships that came and left and others that grew into something more.
12. "I feel old."
I frequently said "I feel old" when going back to high school events or even training for martial arts or dance. I am not old, but being surrounded by high school friends or trying something new has a different effect on my body.
13. Every experience is a new gain, never a set back.
Every experience will have an impact on my life. Sometimes it will be a great experience and others not so much, but in the end I will benefit and move forward.
14. Life seems to go by faster the older I get.
I remember anxiously waiting for my freshman year of college, and now it is over. In the moment, it might seem like it is taking forever, but when it is over I always wonder where the time had gone.
15. Drink water, woman.
Water is very important. It affects a person in many positive ways, so drink it ... more.
16. Say what I feel.
People cannot read minds, and it feels so good to say what is on my mind. It may be on someone else mind too.
17. No one knows me, or my body, more than me.
I never understood this concept until this past year, and it is true. People can say things that I can or cannot do, and sometimes it can be helpful, but they do not know my full extent. Only I do.
18. Positivity is key to a good life.
Only I can determine if my life is a good life, and that is through positivity.
And that is it! I am not longer 18 years old, but there is still so much learn, do and explore. I cannot wait to see what age 19 has in store! The reflection has been great, and now it is time to move forward with these things I have learned.