While I can't say that I haven't learned plenty in my previous 17 years of life, I can say that this year has really opened my eyes. I had always heard that things aren't always how they seem (thank you" Wizards of Waverly Place") and in retrospect, I should've believed those who told me that not everyone was looking out for my well-being. But I didn't. It wasn't until this year that I faced some of the most heart wrenching situations that I've ever experienced, and while I have gained a lot since my last birthday, I will admit that it would've been really nice to have already known some of these things. I've compiled a list of 18 things (you know, one for every year of life — some of them being so glaringly obvious that I totally looked past them but alas, others were not so easily learned. Heed my warning.
1. You were beautiful before he told you.
I had my first real relationship this year and it was great but eventually I ended up relying on someone else to make me feel good about myself and when that relationship ended, I lost so much more than my boyfriend. It’s so important for everyone, not just young girls, to understand that there’s something really attractive about an independently confident person.
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2. Wearing makeup is great. Not wearing makeup is great. Putting someone down because they choose one and you choose the other is not great.
Don't make fun of or look down on someone because they are choosing to do their life a little differently than you are. Trust me, it's not becoming.
3. It’s not cool to personify yourself as heartless.
No one really wants to invest time into someone that’s going to make them feel like they don’t care. It's so beautiful to know someone that feels so deeply that it makes you a more sympathetic person.
4. It’s okay to disagree with your friends.
You don’t always have to go along with whatever they’re saying or doing, but before you go ruining your friendships, remember that they have feelings and opinions too. Chances are, they're trying as hard as they can and they might just need a little help. Remember that.
5. Every girl needs that one guy best friend.
My guy best friend is my BEST friend. He has two shoulders to cry on, oversized t-shirts to steal and you can always tell the creepy boy at the party that he’s your boyfriend.
6. Kiss as many people as you can.
Trust me, 20 years from now, you aren’t going to remember the well-behaved nights in, you’ll remember kissing that stranger at midnight on New Year’s Eve 2016.
7. You probably shouldn't wear heels if you don’t know how to walk in them.
I say this so I may save you some embarrassment as well as a possible broken ankle.
8. Listen to your parents.
Your parents want you to learn from their mistakes and I can promise you, if you listen to them and actually take their advice, you won’t regret it.
9. You matter too.
Never, EVER let someone tell you otherwise. You are so important.
10. You really don’t need to tweet your entire life.
I am more than guilty of this, but I’m just saying, try to limit yourself
11. People are mean.
Just because you have surrounded yourself with good people that only want the best for you, does not mean that everyone is like that. Some people will do whatever it takes to get ahead, even if it means steamrolling you in the process.
12. Bitterness is only acceptable when you’re talking about coffee.
Bitter isn’t a good look on anyone, especially you. It doesn’t matter if someone broke your heart and stomped on the pieces on their way out the metaphorical door that is your life, do your best to genuinely wish them the best.
13. Nothing good happens after midnight.
There is only one exception: a late night cruise with your best friends and some really great music.
14. Boys have feelings too.
That whole “break his heart before he breaks yours” thing is stupid and shouldn’t be a thing.
15. Give every single person you meet at least one chance.
If they make you regret giving them that chance afterwards, don’t give them a second one.
16. It’s okay to grow.
It’s okay to become a new person. It’s okay for your interests to change. It’s okay to try and experience different things.
17. Just eat the chicken nuggets.
One #7 from McDonalds (10 piece McNuggets) is not going to kill you and *gasp* it’s also not going to result in your pants ripping at the seams. Cross my heart.
18. Do not be afraid to fall fully, hopelessly, madly in love.
But also, don’t be afraid to say goodbye if/when you realize that that isn’t what you want anymore
These are just a few things that I wish I knew before I reached my 18th birthday. While I haven’t yet conquered 18, I definitely have learned a lot in the last few months. I’m sure that this list will continue to grow as I race toward the next milestone in my life, but for now, I feel like these few tips are plenty to remember.