As I currently take eighteen credits this semester I'd like to share eighteen things college has taught me so far.
1. Missing one class is like missing a week of classes in high school.
2. Going out and getting wasted on a Tuesday when you have a class Wednesday morning isn't the best idea.
3. Coffee will become your best friend. Literally some mornings you will not be able to survive without it.
4. You will find your best friends.
5. Having a kitchen and actually cooking in it are two totally different things. I say I love to cook, but realistically i'm too exhausted to cook most of the time.
6. Going to the gym can be your best friend and your worst enemy.
7. You WILL run into someone you don't want to see on campus.
8. Never wait till the day before to study for a test, (kind of obvious but had to say it).
9. Pizza is the best late night snack.
10. Getting a good night sleep is rare. Take advantage while you can.
11. Thursdays are considered the weekend. Take advantage of that too while you can.
12. Getting sick is not the same at college than it is at home. You have to make your own soup and tea. You also have to take yourself to the doctor.
13. You're not going to know what you want to do with your life and that's okay!
14. Lying to teachers about why you missed class is a thing.
15. So is finding any excuse in the world to consume alcohol.
16. You will miss your family and your pets. (At least I do).
17. Do not take a second of it for granted.
18. YOURE IN COLLEGE. Do something exciting! Take chances, live your life. You only have four years to be young and irresponsibly responsible.