Fall semester is quickly approaching and I couldn’t help but think about how at this time last year I was getting ready to spend my semester abroad in London, England. There was so much to do before I left and I know how stressful it can be, therefore I figure it could be useful to some to hear some tips that would have helped me out. Nobody can really prepare you for your abroad experience, but some tips could definitely save you some stress. So, these are some tips that I think are important to remember when going abroad!
1. Get a charge free credit card
The term “international transaction fee” will quickly become your enemy when you’re abroad. To lighten your fee load, get a credit card that is free of international charges. I used the capital one student journey card and there are so many others you can use as well. Trust me, you’ll regret it if you don’t get one
2. Get a subway card.
Regardless of where you’re studying abroad, almost every city has a subway system. Make sure you figure out, preferably before arrival, where to get a subway card. Some cities has student specific discount cards which is awesome. In London, apply for student Oyster Card that lasts 4 months. You’ll use it multiple times a day and it will end up saving you money in the long run!
3. Find out what bank to use
Not only do you have to worry about getting a credit card without fees, but you will have to worry about withdrawal fees at ATM’s. The easiest thing to do is find what banks are in affiliation with your bank back home. For example, in England Barclays is a bank affiliated with Bank of America, as well as Deutsche bank in Germany, etc. Using these banks will save you in fees.
4. Figure out your SIM Card/Data Plan
This is so important to figure out before you leave for your semester abroad. My number one recommendation is, if the country makes it available, is to get a month to month SIM card for your phone. This will provide you with free unlimited data for a monthly fee, instead of having to worry about your data plan. If unavailable, definitely work out a plan with your provider. For you England travelers, get a SIM card from the store “3”. For 20 pounds a month you get unlimited data in about ten different countries. While everyone else had to worry about running out of data, I was all set. It was the smartest thing I did, as should you!
5. Bring a portable charger
Continuing from the previous tip, if you do have a SIM card you will be the designated GPS of the group. Therefore, a portable charger is necessary. The last thing you want is to be lost in a foreign country and everybody’s phone is dead or no one has available data.
6. Book your trips ASAP
If you’re going abroad and not planning on leaving your host country, you shouldn't go at all to be honest. Weekends abroad are meant for traveling and the early you book them the cheaper and easier it will be. Sit down with everyone you want to go with, have your credit cards and a calendar out and book trips for the rest of the semester. You will save money on tickets and hostels the earlier you do it plus you can plan out the rest of your weekends if you know what weekends you will be away.
7. Bring a small carry-on back for weekend trips
If you’re a normal college student and are traveling on a budget, you will most likely be using EasyJet, Ryanair, etc for their ridiculous cheap flights. Well, on these flights you’re only allowed one bag to carry on for free and it has to be much smaller than you’d like. The carry on you used on the huge flight to your host country most likely won’t cut it, so make sure to bring a small duffel bag to bring for weekend trips.
8. Ladies, leave your hair tools at home
Straighteners, curlers, blow dryers, and all of those really should be left home. Chances are they won’t work in your host country or they will break, even with adapters and converters. It’s much smarter just to buy cheap ones once you get there and throw them out when you leave. Not only will they most likely not work, it will save you a ton of room in your suitcase!
9. Bring a good pair of walking shoes
As hard as it may seem, don’t over pack on shoes. I made this mistake and only wore about two of the six pairs that I brought. All you really need is a good pair of sneakers and maybe two pairs of boots. While traveling during fall semester, it will most likely be cold so a good pair of boots to wear whenever you’re traveling will be much needed. I had one pair of boots designated for weekend trips and long walking days that I threw out at the end of my trip. Also maybe pack a good pair of comfortable heels to go out in, you can never go wrong with black booties.
10. Cancel your Netflix account for the semester
Yes, I said it. I didn’t use Netflix once while I was abroad and I’m happy I didn’t. One, it’s hard to even get Netflix to work abroad and you really shouldn’t be in your bed watching hours of TV when your abroad anyway. Fill your free time with exploring your home country. Why would you ever want to miss out on experiences because you were on your fifth episode of OITNB. Sort out your priorities, get out of your room, and live this experience.
11. Plan out your spending
Make sure before you leave you have enough money to make it through the semester. Most programs will make you prove that you have sufficient funds before leaving, so save up. Once you arrive, try to monitor your spending per week/month and try to be smart. Just keep track of what you’re spending so you’re not dead broke the last month.
12. ...but don't be too cheap
However, being abroad isn’t the time to be ridiculously cheap. If you can’t afford to really live out being abroad, maybe hold out another year before going. You may never be in these countries again and not going out and exploring because you’d rather save money isn’t what you’re there for.
13. bring copies of everything
Passport, birth certificate, social security card, acceptance letter, everything. The last thing you want is to lose your passport or another important document while you’re there and not be able to leave. Make copies of everything. Leave one copy at home, one in your host country, and bring copies with you when you’re traveling. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself in case something happens.
14. Don't be afraid to go out of your comfort zone
Being abroad is the perfect place to do things you normally never would do. Studying abroad honestly is one of the most life changing experiences, if you let it be. You have to keep an open mind and be willing to try anything. If you’re living the same life abroad as you do back home, you’re doing something wrong. Take the opportunity to be whatever and whoever you want to be. You’ll only have this experience once, and try not to make regretful decisions based off of the premise that you’re scared to do something new.
15. Don't over pack
I can’t stress this enough. Everyone told me this before I left and yet I still did it, and instantly regretted it. For one, over packing the one suitcase you’re allowed to bring will force you to pay an overweight fee which can be as much as 100 dollars. You’re also going to be buying so much stuff while your abroad and coming with a full suitcase doesn’t exactly give you room for new stuff. Take it from the person who brought the majority of her clothes, bought double while I was there, and was forced to buy another suitcase to bring home. Not to mention, both of my suitcases were overweight on the flight home too. Just don’t over pack, trust me. It will only give you stress when you’re getting ready to go home.
16. Download WhatsApp and Viber
These two apps will be the only thing you’ll use all semester. You can call and text on this all without being charged by your phone company being that it’s an app. I honestly did not use my actual texting or phone calling the entirety of being abroad. These are a must download before you leave. Make sure you tell everyone you want to keep in touch with to download it too!
17. Go out as much as possible
This doesn’t seem like it would be really important, but it is. I can’t stress enough how you’re abroad to make memories and experience new things, which you can’t do from your room. Go out as much as possible. This doesn’t mean going to clubs every single night and getting so trashed you can’t remember it. Those night are fun don’t get me wrong, but not all the time. Go to new restaurants, go to shows, spend the day in a park, go to markets, go everywhere. Learn about your host country by walking it. It’s these places that you’ll remember the most.
18. Keep a journal and save everything
This may seem a bit cliché, but writing down everything you are experiencing as you go along will be extremely beneficial. By documenting your experiences, you’ll be able to go back and read about what you did when your memory starts to fade a little bit. Also, keeping everything like plane tickets, brochures, etc. will be useful for a great scrapbook at the end of your semester. You’re only there once, so keep everything so you can look back on it later in life!
19. Appreciate every moment
Studying abroad goes by in the blink of eye and suddenly your sitting at home a year later writing tips to other students getting ready to go. Everything about this experience is amazing and its important to appreciate every single day. As easy as it is to be homesick, being there is so much more important. I would give anything to go back to my little flat in London. Take in everything about the experience and let yourself change. Let yourself grow. Most importantly, have fun. Enjoy this once in a lifetime experience to the best of your ability.