Ah, summer camp. Land of out-of-place tan lines, lots of calories and wonderfully awkward ice breakers. Many adults have fond memories of their days as a camper, but some brave souls choose to come back after their camper days to experience camp from the other side: a counselor's point of view. Or, if you're like me and never got to experience camp as a camper, becoming a counselor is exciting but daunting because you don't know what to expect.
Regardless of how you got recruited to the most awesome job in the world, you know you're a camp counselor when...
1. You don't mind working for under minimum wage.
At least the housing's free!
2. You de-stress by making friendship bracelets.
"Is that string for knitting?"
"Oh no, I make friendship bracelets."
Just look how cool they are!
3. You don't recognize fellow counselors on nights off because they're wearing normal clothing.
Three reasons to put on makeup at camp: greeting parents on arrival days, dinners out on nights off and theme nights!
4. You find a way to bring up camp in just about any conversation.
"This one time at camp..."
5. You've tried to play "Snaps," "Black Magic," or "Concentration 64" with your college friends.
And then you've realized you're the only fun one in your friend group.
6. You've started tapping "sevens" as you wait for your food at restaurants or in your school's dining hall.
Again with the judgy looks. But again, you really don't care.
7. You take insanely short showers.
At camp, hot water is limited, so you have to act fast. The environment thanks you.
8. Whenever someone says, "In a minute," you automatically respond with, "But not yet!"
...or whatever other call-response things your camp does that would never be acceptable in the real world.
9. Anytime someone talks to you like camp is an easy job, you have a strongly worded response prepared.
Ask me when I'm getting a real job one more time.
10. Being covered in paint and dirt makes you feel oddly liberated.
11. Your toes feel strange in sandals...
And you realize why the "no open-toed shoes" rule is there in the first place.
12. You're an expert at narrating "Mafia."
It was a cold and windy night, when suddenly...
13. You have a favorite camp food.
Scones, anyone?
14) You've asked, "Could I tie-dye this?"
And you proudly rock your tie-dyed garb all year round.
15. You find yourself wondering how [insert child's name here] is doing.
Did they get a part in the school play? Make it onto the soccer team? Your campers start to feel like your children and sending them off after the summer is over is a really strange feeling.
16. You feel like there are two versions of yourself: camp you and real world you.
I think we all know which one we prefer.
17. You find yourself randomly humming camp songs.
"I said a boom chicka boom..."
18. You wish everyone understood just how life-changing working at camp really can be.
Storing all your belongings on one shelf and being responsible for the well-being of small children is incredibly humbling, but somewhere along the way makes you evolve into a better version of yourself.