Ever since I started listening to the Harry Potter books on tape the summer after Kindergarten, I have been a complete, die-hard Harry Potter super fan. I am currently reading the series for the 10th time (some may call that overly obsessive, but I prefer to call it extremely dedicated) and I don't intend on stopping there. If there is a series I could read over and over again for the rest of my life it would be this one. J.K. Rowling created not only a wonderful story, but a whole magical world of its own, that many, like myself, love to apparate ourselves in to.
So let's take a look at some of the things that all true Potterheads will relate to. I apologize in advance to all the muggles reading this post, you guys just won't understand.
1. You consider Hogwarts to be your second home.
...or maybe even your first one.
2. You watch everyone else during the movies to make sure they are paying attention at all times.
You may even consider confiscating everyone's phone before the movie begins just to be safe.
3. You get a little overly excited whenever you reach page 394 in a book.
Ten points to Gryffindor if you read this in Snape's voice.
4. You have one thing to say to people who claim to like the movies better than the books.
Hermione summed it up. While the movies are amazing, nothing will ever compare to the books.
5. You've memorized the first line of the first chapter of the first book.
"Mr. and Mrs. Dursely, of Number 4, Privet Drive were proud to say they were perfectly normal, thank you very much."
6. Whenever Harry Potter is brought up in conversation, everyone looks to you because you're "the Harry Potter person."
7. You've mailed a Hogwarts Letter to yourself at some point in your life.![]()
...just in case yours got lost in the mail, or an owl like Errol was supposed to deliver it and got lost
8. No one wants to play Harry Potter Scene It with you because you always win.
Well, looks like you're playing by yourself...again
9. Automatically assuming every spider you encounter is one of Aragog's descendants.
Arania Exumai!
10. You try and live out your Harry Potter fantasies through the computer game.
"Rictusempra!, Flipendo!, Lumos!, Diffindo!"
11. You search Google for the hardest Harry Potter quizzes just to prove how much you know.
You treat them as seriously as you would your O.W.L.S or N.E.W.T.
12. Being truly offended when someone calls you a muggle.
The worst possible insult there is.
13. The word "always" hits you right in the feels.
Cue the tears.
14. You will forever be annoyed because Peeves the Poltergeist was never included in the movies.
"Oh, Potter, you rotter, Oh, What have you done, you're killing off students, you think it's good fun" -- Peeves was never given the credit he deserved for his insults.
15. Whenever you're unhappy, you just blame it on the dementors.
If only you could cast Expecto Patronum...but at least chocolate is available in the Muggle world!
16. You feel extremely disappointed in yourself when you can't remember a piece of Harry Potter trivia.
*Proceeds to re-read the series as a result*
17. You wish you could use a memory charm on yourself so you can forget the books and read them again.
Nothing will ever quite compare to the first time you went on your Hogwarts journey.
18. You're counting down the hours to July 31 when your favorite story finally continues in "The Cursed Child."
Get ready Potterheads...Harry is back