Here are 18 things that literally every journalist can agree with:
1. You use your office keys to try to get into your house and your car.
Where did my car keys go?
2. Writing English papers is a nightmare. You'd rather write multiple 18-inch stories than one 15-page paper.
I can answer the Who, What, When, Where, How and Why, but I can't explain what Shakespeare meant in "Romeo and Juliet."
3. Your texts, emails and instant messages are always grammatically correct.
If you send me a text spelled wrong, I will not respond. I expect every text to be spelled right and properly punctuated.
4. You have 10 reporter's notepads placed in various spots, including two in your car, one in your bag, one in your desk, one with your camera, three in your visor and more in various places you can't remember.
Now where did that extra notepad go?
5. You are a pen hoarder.
Don't you dare steal my pen, I keep count and will know how many are missing.
6. You spend deadline night spinning in your chair wondering how the hell you'll make it through.
My deadline is in three hours, how am I going to get this feature story finished.
7. But then when you see the paper the next morning, you realize how much you really do love your job.
Smile, after spending weeks writing a story, you finally see your name in the paper.
8. You can type, talk on the phone and carry on a conversation with your coworker all at the same time.
Hey boss, Jeff says you need to send him his paycheck.
9. You hate doing math, and any time you have to look at numbers, you call someone to double and triple check your calculations.
These numbers do not add up. What is going on — 4+4 equals 16 right? Jeff, can you come here?
10. Weekends? You don't know what they are.
I don't know what those are.
11. You get paid for 40 hours a week, but you work 80 hours.
What did you expect, news break no matter the time of day.
12. But you don't really work because you love your job too much. I think the saying goes: "If you love your job, you'll never work a day in your life."
I will work day or night, no matter the cost because I love my job.
13. When you read the newspaper, you point out every mistake: design, advertising or editorial.
Who the hell edited this newspaper, they did not follow AP Style guidelines.
14. You get news alerts on your phone, work computer, laptop and tablet.
No matter where I am, I am always aware when news breaks.
15. Coffee, tea or your favorite energy booster is a must have on the daily.
I'm so happy Starbucks has happy hour, I've been drinking all day.
16. Your reporter notebooks look worse than a doctor's signature.
Well, at least my editor doesn't need to read my notes.
17. You prefer the stress of a short deadline. You work better under pressure.
Deadline is in two hours, relax I'll be done in 30 minutes.
18. Though you may curse the wind, have a few cries and get headaches from looking at a computer screen all day, you love what you do because you love the people you meet.
I've become a rock star, I've met Brian Williams and Mark Ruffalo — I'll do this job till I die.