I have never been a morning person and looking back at high school when school started at 7:40, I have no idea how I made it to school; then again I was running late most mornings. If you are not a morning person you may relate to some of the following:
1. You can not function until you get coffee.
2. You set multiple alarms knowing that the first three you’ll somehow turn off still completely in REM sleep.
3. When you first get out of bed you stumble around hitting things like a zombie.
4. ... and like a zombie, you can not form words only moans and grunts.
5. Morning people scare you and if one is your roommate, you just don’t understand how they do it.
6. You can not open your eyes because they are either glued shut, super sensitive to the light, or both; men, know that women don’t wake up glowing in the morning like the movies (in fact, we’re rather scary).
7. You are short tempered with people in the morning.
8. We take 20 to 30 minutes to eat breakfast so sometimes we just skip it.
9. You wear minimal makeup because you don’t have time to get fancy.
10. It is mandatory to pick out your clothes the night before because there is no way you can make such a big decision as that at 8 A.M.
11. If your roommate is a morning person, you’ve never heard your roommate's alarm go off and seeing them in the morning fully dressed makes you panic that you are late.
12. In high school your mom came in your room multiple times to yell to which you wouldn’t flinch and so she was forced to get physical.
13. Having a college 8 A.M. class is horror.
14. You complain in the mornings about anything.
15. Exercising is an afternoon activity (so is any other social activity).
16.Your pets hate you on weekends for making them wait until lunch to get breakfast.
17. Going to bed before 11:30 is a joke.
18. You hate when people say, “Anyone can learn to be a morning person.”
If you are not a morning person there is nothing to be ashamed of. We workers of the night are not less productive with our days but just active at a different time. Don't feel the need to change your time clock night owls!