1. You tend to go a little crazy when it's time to buy new school supplies.
You know it, your mom knows it, everyone knows it, your paycheck especially knows it.
2. You get so pumped thinking about all the cute "teaching outfits" you're going to have.
You might even have a Pinterest board dedicated to it.
3. You spend a lot of time thinking about how you are going to decorate your future classroom.
You definitely have a Pinterest board dedicated to it.
4. Planners make you oddly happy.
I don't know if it's normal to get that excited about a new planner, but I really don't care.
5. You probably hate standardized testing and Common Core more than anybody else.
It really just shouldn't be a thing.
6. You will always love coloring.
You probably have a couple adult coloring books.
7. You have perfected your "Teacher Voice."
You already know you will have to be using it a lot. And you are so ready.
8. You've also mastered "The Look."
You know which one I'm talking about. The "you're doing something wrong and you better sit down right now" look.
9. Buying all of your school supplies before the first day brings you an odd amount of excitement.
From first grade to college, you will always be excited about buying new folders and notebooks.
10. You oddly really like the smell of dry erase or sharpie markers.
If you don't yet, you will eventually.
11. You are extremely patient.
I mean hey, if you're going to be with 20+ kids a day, five days a week, you're going to have to be.
12. Crafting
You either love it, or hate it.
13. When someone says teaching is "easy" you get ready to fight somebody.
I would love to see you take care of all of these kids buddy, tell me how easy teaching is after spending a week in my shoes.
14. You absolutely LOVE stickers.
Always have, always will.
15. You flip out when people say "those who can, do and those who can't, teach."
Seriously, are you trying to start a fight? Because I'm ready.
16. You get really excited about children's books.
Non teachers will never understand your love for Amelia Bedelia.
17. You rely on coffee to get you through the day.
Even more than most college students.
18. Sometimes you get a little scared thinking about how little money you will make.
But you know the money doesn't matter, because you're picking the right profession for you, and you wouldn't have it any other way.