Instead of hitting the sophomore slump like most people, I've become more and more like the stereotypical nerd. Here are 18 signs you've joined me.
1. You procrastinate on homework with other homework instead of Netflix like a normal student (this, of course, doesn't mean you don't have Netflix playing in the background)
2. You have a minor (and by minor I mean slightly major) breakdown over your Calc 3 grade dropping from a 95% to a 94% and couldn't be happier when you bring it back up to a 95%
3. You also have a minor breakdown when you realize that the only reason you got a 98% instead of a 100% on your math exam is because of a careless mistake
4. You freak out about being "behind" on your research paper that is due in two weeks because you only have 2 of the required 8-10 pages done (but really, you are ahead because the rest of the class is still working on choosing a topic)
5. You bought a book over break on the history of the word okay (and started reading it)
6. You start assignments as soon as they are given instead of waiting until the night before (this, of course, doesn't mean you don't finish them the night before)
7. You spend your free time on google learning a bunch of random stuff
8. You spend more time at the library than you do in your dorm room
9. You may even be like one student in Birmingham and live at the library
10. You work hard to increase your grade by 1% so that you can have an A+ instead of an A even though they are both weighted as a 4.0 for your GPA so it really doesn't matter which you end up with
11. You sign up for 19 credit hours next semester
12. You can't help it to mention fun facts during conversation
13. The fun facts mentioned above always intrigue you, but the person you are talking to really doesn't care
14. You want nothing more for Christmas than a complete set of the 20-volume Oxford Dictionary
15. If you aren't doing your own homework, you are helping someone else with theirs
16. You can't wait for winter break so you can do homework without really doing homework (see number 5)
17. Sometimes you wish you could let yourself agree to slacking off for a week to see what it would be like to live the life of the students that don't worry about grades (after all, your grades are so high it's not like one week would really affect your final grades too much) but your nerdy side stops you because you thoroughly enjoy learning
18. You couldn't be more grateful for the motivation and scholarships being a nerd provides you with