18 Signs You Go To Appalachian State University | The Odyssey Online
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18 Signs You Go To Appalachian State University

Because let's face it, not everyone knows what it means to be a Mountaineer.

18 Signs You Go To Appalachian State University

1. You know how to pronounce Appalachian.

And you've most likely given someone a dirty look if they pronounced it wrong.

2. We all know that "The Rock" is not actually Dwayne Johnson.

And if you didn't, *smh*.

3. Parthenon is not actually the Greek monument.

You could buy a dank gyro here, but we all know it's where you can buy $1 beers after class. Thanks, Nick.

4. Winter in Boone is not something to joke about.

Who needs warmth anyway?

5. Hungry Howies is your go-to late night snack.

6. Or Jimmy John's.

Freaky fast.

7. You have taken a cliché picture at Rough Ridge.

Who cares if you've seen this exact picture all over your Insta-feed, because how many people can say they go to school literally ten minutes away from the Blue Ridge Parkway?

8. You have mixed feelings about both of these.

Los or Dos? The world may never know.

9. You know that if the sun is out, so are the slack lines.

And you've always wanted to try. Or have tried and failed miserably.

10. Can't forget about the Eno's.

This may or may not be more favorable than going to class.

11. Beeping > Uber.

$2 and you've got yourself a ride home.

12. If you ever need a good laugh.


13. This will always make you question life.

Contrary to this mega-popular YouTube sensation, App is not hot hot hot.

14. The sight of an empty Mcalister's is a gift from Yosef.

Nothing says "Go 'Neers" like a line out the door.

15. Safe Ride NEVER answers when you need them to.

(Waits in negative degree weather for Safe Ride. Safe Ride drives past you.)

16. The Appalcart seemed like a good idea, until you missed your class and you were so late.

17. This day will forever live in every 'Neers heart.

18. The view is pretty unbeatable.

Let's face it, Appalachian State rocks.

Photo @swimrbro.

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