1) You are not interested in making 100+ of the best friends you'll ever have.
2) You'd never want to get involved in something like serving the community and giving back.
3) You have no need for a thousand cute t-shirts that will guarantee you never have nothing to wear.
4) You would NEVER want access to a test bank to help you get through your major!!
5) Always having sisters/bros to go out with sounds like a terrible idea.
6) You don't want an extended family that ranges across the nation and even across the world.
7) Making connections later in life for your career isn't important to you.
8) You don't think you need opportunities for leadership.
9) No way you would want to be EXTREMELY involved on campus!
10) Socials sound like no fun at all.
11) You don't want endless support in whatever you do in life.
12) You don't want an incredible house to call your home away from home.
13) You love being bored.
14) You hate the thought of going all-out for campus events like homecoming week.
15) Intramural does not sound awesome, and you would never want to be guaranteed a team to play with.
16) You don't want people around that share the same interests and values as you.
17) You love the feeling of regret.
18) You want to miss out the greatest opportunity of your college career.
Okay, if it's not already clear to you after reading this entire list, YOU SHOULD GO GREEK! Whether you're a freshman, transfer student, or at any other point in college, just do it. From personal experience, it has been the most rewarding, wonderful aspect of my life out of high school, and I can't imagine going through college without my sisters. The opportunities are endless, the people are phenomenal, and the experiences are unparalleled. If you're feeling unsure about the whole idea, let this be your encouragement. You don't have to take my word for it; just look around at the thousands of people in Greek life and see how much better their college experience has been because of their decision. Good luck, and GO GREEK!