About four years ago, I decided to pursue a degree in political science. When I tell people what I'm majoring in, their expression usually tells me that they think I'm completely insane. Here are some of the questions political science majors are constantly being asked.
1. "Who are you voting for?"
They really don't need to ask though, because most of us have it plastered all over our laptops and vehicles anyway.
2. "You must be really opinionated, right?"
Most of us, yeah.
3. "Do you watch C-SPAN/the news for fun?"
Does Donald Trump want to build a giant wall?
4. "Where do you want to go to Law school?"
Look, I respect my peers that want to graduate and go off to become Elle Woods—mostly because they have a clear goal and that makes me jealous. This is probably a legitimate question for those who do have plans for Law school in the future, but for people like me it's just a casual reminder that "Grad school" or "straight into the workforce" don't sound half as sexy as "Law school" when sprinkled into small talk.
5. "Are you a Republican or a Democrat?"
I have two problems with this question: 1) plenty of young people don't fit into either party and choose not to affiliate with either, and 2) did you look at my car yet?
6. "What are you going to do with your degree after you graduate?"
Probably hang it on my wall, or do some of this.
7. "So you’re going to be another corrupt politician, huh?"
Yep, call me Frank Underwood Jr. Better think twice about meeting me in the subway.
8. "What’s up with all the caffeine?"
Caffeine gives us the energy to procrastinate and watch more depressing documentaries on Netflix while tackling 200 pages of light reading.
9. "It’s due in two hours and you’re still binging 'House of Cards'"?
That's just enough time to pound 3 more cups of coffee, write the paper AND put on real pants. Don't worry, this ain't my first rodeo.
10. "You wrote 14 pages that fast?"
Rome wasn't built in a day, but this paper was probably written in one. But chances are you'd never know, because poli sci majors are actually lightweight champions at working great under pressure. Sure, the pressure is only there because we waited to do the thing until the last minute, but it's pressure nonetheless.
11. "When you’re the President, will you pardon me if I commit a crime?"
When you're a doctor, will you make sure I live to be at least a buck 75?
12. "When you’re the President, can I be in your cabinet?"
Sure thing, Turd Blossom!
13. "Who's going to win this election?"
14. "Are you excited about your unpaid internship in Washington, D.C.?"
I won't lie, a tiny piece of me dies inside every time my friends talk about their glamorous paid internships they've landed over the summer. But then I remind myself that experience is key, and it's all about those connections. Keep your eyes on the prize, poli sci major.
15. "What's going on with (current event)?"
Everyone knows you're the go-to when it comes to current events. Pull up a seat and prepare get educated.
16. "Seriously? You still haven't finished that yet?"
Okay, forget the pants.
17. "You're in that many organizations?"
It's all about getting connected and getting involved. 6 meetings a week? No sweat.
18. "So what's the actual science?"
My dear friend, the science is not losing your mind when people who complain about society also tell you that they don't vote (and don't plan to).
Did I miss any? Comment your favorite poli-sci question below!