Over the years, we all learn important lessons that will stay with us forever. Usually, we learn them the hard way. Here are 18 life lessons that I have learned over the course of my 18 short years!
1. No One is Born Equal
No one is born with equal opportunities, despite that common belief. There is always going to be someone better off, worse off, richer, poorer, prettier, smarter. Accept it for what it is.
2. Nothing is Given to You
Anything that you want in this lifetime you must work for and work at. A relationship, a career, that lifestyle that you want, none of it will magically fall into your lap.
3. Kindness Matters
It takes very little effort to be kind, so why not? A little kindness can go a long way!
4. Stop Sweating the Small Stuff
Ask yourself, "Is this insignificant matter that I am making myself sick over, going to actually matter in five years?" The answer is usually "no," so always remember to look at the bigger picture and to not sweat the small stuff!
5. Love Yourself
Learn to love your reflection in the mirror, and what is on the inside, too. Loving yourself is so important, and always remember to love yourself before others.
6. Love Others
Love other people as much as you love yourself, but never more. Love people despite differences in opinions, whether that be in religion, politics, etc. Just love them unconditionally.
7. Learn Forgiveness
Forgive people whenever possible, they are only human. Holding grudges only hurts you. Forgive and forget.
8. Stand Up for Yourself and Others
Learn to stand up for yourself in a respectful way. Do no harm but take no shit. Do this for others too, they may need someone to stick up for them!
9. Always Keep Learning
There is no such thing as too much knowledge. You can never learn enough. Knowledge is power, and there is always something new to be learned.
10. Asking For Help is Perfectly Fine
We all need a little help sometimes, and there is no shame in asking for it. Whether that means help in school, help in a relationship, help with yourself, asking for help does not make you weak or incapable.
11. People Change and It's Okay
This is possibly one of the hardest lessons to learn. People will change, and that is okay. Change happens constantly, and remember that you are always changing, too.
12. Worrying is Worthless
Worrying nearly never changes the outcome of something. It just adds unnecessary stress and anxiety to your life. Stop your worries, relax, because whatever happens, happens, and life will go on.
13. Make Every Day Count
Do not count the days, make the days count. You are given 24 hours, make the absolute most of it, because tomorrow is never guaranteed.
14. Other People Do Not Define You
The opinions of others do not define who you are. You know who you are better than anyone else, do not let anyone tell you otherwise. You define yourself.
15. Regret is Worse than Fear
You can get over fear, but regret can last a lifetime. Do whatever it is you are scared to do. Even if it does not go as planned, as least you were not scared to try!
16. Failure Happens and It is Okay
Whether you failed a class or a relationship you had failed, it is going to be okay. Failure is a part of life, whether we like it or not. Remember, failure is permanent, nor does it define you.
17. A Positive Attitude Goes a Long Way
Spread positivity as much as possible, this world needs it. There is a hell of a lot of power in positivity.
18. Nothing is Permanent, Good or Bad
For better or worse, nothing will last forever. The bad things will last forever, but neither will the good.
There are a million other lessons yet to be learned and to live by. Though we may never learn them all, the ones we do learn will be lived by for life.