Life is full of ups and downs, but every experience is a lesson in disguise. Here are 18 lessons that I learned from these 18 years of life full of ups and downs.
1. It is okay to make mistakes.
The fact is you're going to screw up at least once in your life. It happens and it sucks, but it's okay. Everyone does things they regret, so you shouldn't beat yourself up over the past. What is important is that you learn from these mistakes. I know this is a cliche statement, but I have found it to be so true. Every failure is a learning opportunity.
2. You're allowed to change your mind.
Words aren't set in stone. People change and circumstances change, and that is okay. Promises involving the words "always," "forever" and "never" shouldn't ever be taken too seriously. Forever is a long time, and you may mean what you say in that moment, but you are allowed to change your mind. This goes for other people as well. When it comes down to it, words are just words.
3. It is important to help others.
Offering a hand to someone in need is so significant, no matter how small it is. Whether it be offering a listening ear, providing advice or giving someone a ride somewhere, it makes a huge difference in that person's life.
4. It's okay to ask for help.
That being said, it is also super important that you ask others for help if you need it. Life can get pretty heavy, but you're not expected to carry it all on your own. It might be hard to do, and it might take a hit to your pride, but asking for help is nothing to be ashamed of. There are so many people around you that care about you and are willing to give you a hand. Take them up on their offer.
5. It is important to be on your own.
Taking time with yourself is important to discover who you actually are. All the people in your life are influences on you, which isn't a bad thing, but you need time to reflect and decide what you stand for and what your values are. It is healthy to take some time away and find out who you are without the pressures of the people around you.
6. Family will always be there for you.
This is one of the most important lessons I have learned. Through everything, my family has always been there. They have helped me in the rough times and supported in my in the good times. They have never let me down, and I know that they never will.
7. Learning is something that happens every day.
The world is a classroom, and everything you do is a earning opportunity. There are so many little lessons that can be found in everyday life if you just allow yourself to open your mind up and listen.
8. You control your happiness.
If you are not happy with what you are doing, you have the power to change that. Instead of sitting around and being unhappy, you need to make a change. You might not have the ability to make a huge change like moving out of the country, but you can start small with choosing to do things for yourself. You focus on the things you like and that make you happy and make sure that you make time to do those things in your everyday life.
9. It's okay to not know what you're doing.
It often feels like you need to plan out your entire future and have everything go according to plan. This is not true. It is good to have a plan and goals, but life doesn't always go the way you think it will. You need to take things one day at a time. You never know what kind of opportunities will fall into your lap and lead you to places you never even imagined.
10. Sometimes the most spontaneous decision is also the best decision.
Sometimes we tend to overthink things and talk ourselves out of great opportunities. A spontaneous decision prevents this overthinking. Sometimes you just need to go for it and jump in head first.
11. Making time for the people you care about is necessary.
The people that you care about should be one of your highest priorities. You need to make sure that they know that they are a priority. Life can get chaotic and busy sometimes, but what is the point of success in other areas if you don't have anyone to share it with at the end of the day?
12. You need to keep moving forward.
Life has a way of throwing obstacles in your way and testing you, but you need to push through this and carry on. Although it may feel like it, the bad won't last forever. Just keep moving forward, and you will experience so many great things.
13. The world is a big and beautiful place.
The world is full of magnificent things just waiting for you to experience them. It often feels like there are only bad and horrific things left in the world, but if you look past these things you will see that there are much more amazing things.
14. An open mind is an intelligent mind.
Sometimes the smartest thing you can do is to listen to others and be accepting. This is how you grow as a person and learn. Closing your mind to other people's ideas is one of the most unfortunate things you can do to yourself.
15. Trying new things causes growth.
New things can be terrifying, but if you don't do things that scare you from time to time, you will never grow. Life is about trying new things to discover what you do and don't like. This in turn will shape you into a better person.
16. You shouldn't care too much what other people think.
People's opinions of you should never outweigh your opinion of yourself. At the end of the day, how you feel about yourself is really the only thing that matters. You should never limit yourself because you are afraid of what someone else thinks, because it honestly doesn't matter.
17. There are just some people who aren't meant to stay in your life.
People come and people go. Each person is a lesson. This is something that can be extremely hard to accept, but there comes a point where you need to let go of the people that aren't meant to be in your life to make room for the people that are.
18. It will be okay.
You have made it through every challenge and every obstacle up to this point. You have survived situations that you never thought you could get through, and you will continue to do so. It may not seem like it in the moment, but you will persevere and everything will be okay.