When I was little, I thought that growing older would mean that I would get more responsibility and know what to do with that responsibility. But, as I come to a close of my first year of being an adult, I have actually discovered that adulthood- or baby-adulthood as I have been deemed by the many "actual adults" I've run into- is nothing like what I originally thought. And, as a result, I have written the 18 things I've learned in 18 years.
- Being an adult does not mean you have your life in order:
- I have never met a single person who knew exactly what they were doing at all times and knew what their actions would amount to. Everyone that I have met has been in the same boat of having no idea what was coming next but working really hard to make sure they could take it on.
- Not having your life in order is not the end of the world:
- Just because you failed an exam or you did something you regret does not mean that the world is over. It means that you failed an exam or did something you regret. It's another learning experience for you. And, you can almost always recover from these mistakes.
- Your support group is honestly the best thing to happen to you:
- I think that my stress would have killed me at this point if I didn't have my amazing group behind me. They remind me of how no one has this life thing figured out and that that's okay!
- College will beat the crap out of you:
- No matter what courses you take or what major you go for or even if you don't care about classes, college will push you to a lot of ends. It tests you, your friendships, your morals, and your ability to survive on your own.
- Teenagers are not bad:
- They're just hitting the point where they realize how sucky the world can be and they feel powerless to change it. It's a painful shock to feel so powerless. Go a little easy on them during this transition.
- Whenever Bohemian Rhapsody comes on, sing it:
- Just do it. It’ll make your day better.
- 10:30 is early:
- When you are used to getting back home around 10:30, if you ever get the chance to actually sleep at 10:30, you will cry out of pure joy…
- And then not actually go to sleep until 2:00 am:
- When you’re going all day, these are the only times you get to binge watch your shows.
- You will binge watch your favorite tv show more times than you’re willing to admit:
- I write as I watch Parks and Recreation for the 3rd or 4th time….
- Your self-confidence will go through the ringer a few times:
- I just got a 76 on a chemistry test that I studied for really hard and thought I nailed. This, along with the rough couple of weeks I’ve had at my job, has made me question whether or not I am smart enough for the career that I want to go into. Which brings me back to why it is so important to have such an amazing support team!
- Take the babysitting gig, even if you’re exhausted:
- Unless they are the worst children on the face of the planet, they will put a smile on your face. They will remind you of how nice it is to not have nearly as many cares or worries. And, it’s extra pocket money, which is really really important because…
- You will have no money:
- Ever. You will get paid from your job, and then pay for food, bills, and by the end of payday, you will be sobbing into your ramen about how you have no money.
- Your parents will become your best friends:
- I have always been best friends with my parents (hint* new article coming soon*), but having the stresses of college and bills and life has helped my parents and I become even closer than before. Having my parents in my corner makes everything so much easier.
- You have to stretch after working out:
- When I was a little younger, I could run around and play and dance and do whatever I wanted and then stop on a dime and not have any soreness. Now, after every rugby practice, I need to stretch for at least 10 minutes or I will be sore for the next day.
- Your family will expand:
- You will meet so many new people who make your heart so full that it will almost burst. My rugby teammates have become my family, and I could not dream of a better group of girls to have as my family. They are inspiring and wise and loving. They pick me up after I get bulldozed by a BYU player and when I don’t feel like I am good enough to play. My rugby family isn’t the only group that has expanded my family this year, but they are one that has truly changed my life.
- You will cry:
- Crying isn’t a bad thing! Sometimes it’s really cathartic. I happen to be an avid crier and am currently working on defining the different types of crying (stay tuned).
- You will fall in love:
- With almost everything and anything. It will be exciting and scary, but it is also the most fun experiences!
- You will learn far too many things to put in a single article:
- Life is a crazy ride, and you learn something new every day. Take time out of the craziness of scheduling and planning to smell the flowers. I promise that it is always worth it!