Your years in college are some of the most amazing years of your life. It is a time to constantly hang out with friends, continuously socialize on weeknights, and make questionable life choices that you know you probably shouldn't do, but do anyways because they are only acceptable in college. One of these questionable life decisions is going a little too hard on a night out with your friends. Because let's face it, we've all been there.
So, here are 18 hangover gifs that perfectly sum up the stages of a night out.
1. When you head over to your friends house to get the party started and you are just like...
2. When that one friend whose life motto is, "Pics or it didn't happen," keeps shoving her phone in your face and you are just like...
3. When you and your squad roll up into the club and y'all are just like...
4. When that weird middle-aged man hits on you at the bar and you are just like...
5. When you accidentally run into your TA while out and you are just like...
6. When a fraternity says that they have run out of drinks and you are just like...
7. At least one of your friends, every time you go out, without fail...
8. When you try to casually flirt with a guy and you are just like...
9. When you turn into a philosopher around 1 a.m. and start to ponder the meaning of life and you are just like...
10. When you have to use a bar bathroom while in your altered state and you see this on the floor and are just like...
11. When you lose your group of friends in the crowd for a total of five seconds before you find them again and you are just like...
12. When that one guy keeps drunk texting you to meet up sometime next week and you are just like...
13. When your friend tries to get you to promise her that you are going to cut yourself off, but you know better so you are just like...
14. When you overhear a conversation while in the frat bathroom and you have to throw your two cents in so you are just like...
15. When you manage to lose your shoes, keys, and wallet throughout the night and your friend is yelling at you...
16. When you finally get home and the process of getting ready for bed is too much to handle and you are just like...
17. When you wake up the next morning with a massive headache and you feel like this is what happened to you...
18. When the night is a little hazy so you go to check the pictures on your phone in the hopes they will spark a memory and you are just like...
Questionable life decisions, for the win!