Simple random acts of kindness are SO IMPORTANT. You never know what someone is going through and how even the smallest thing could turn their day around. You could make their problems disappear for a brief moment and fill their heart with joy. Of course it may not drastically change their mood or rock their whole world, but if you could cure their bad mood or unhappiness even in the slightest, you are making a difference. If everyone did even just one random act of kindness every day, think about how many people that could help. SO MANY! And hey, you never know, you might just save someone’s life! Here are just a few small acts of kindness that could make someone’s day…
1. Pay for someone’s meal in the drive thru.
2. Wave at a stranger.
3. Save your left-overs and give them to a homeless person.
4. Ask someone how their day is going.
6. Take a care package to a veteran.
7. Read books to the elderly that are in a home.
8. Give the guy in a rush the last parking spot.
9. Help someone with their groceries.
10. Give someone a nice compliment.
11. Leave a positive message for a stranger in a public place.
12. Donate your old clothes.
13. Let someone else have that last pastry.
14. Have a conversation with someone sitting alone.
15. Tell your family you love them.
16. Spend time with people you sometimes ignore.
17. Encourage everyone.
18. If you’re the one who could use an act of kindness one day, remember to follow your own act listed at number 5. Smile.
Everyone is worthy of a little kindness, and showing someone yours could make a bigger impact than you think. Be the ray of sunshine in someone’s cloudy day. Laugh. Smile. Love. Just like Aesop said, "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." Okay guys, now get out there and pass it on!