As it turns out, dogs can be Instagram-famous, too. After carefully evaluating many, many canines' feeds, looking at personality, picture quality and overall impressionability, I have selected the best and brightest pooches that are worth your follow. Check them out. These dogs are cooler than most people.
1. Baby Beckham the Samoyed Child (@baby.beckham)
Notable qualities: Extremely fluffy, looks very huggable. Has a winning smile. California dog show champion.
2. Lucielle Bull (@lucyfarted)
Notable qualities: Adorable underbite. Loves to play dress-up. Aesthetically pleasing feed.
3. Marnie The Dog (@marniethedog)
Notable qualities: Signature “tongue face” (better than the emoji). Super well-connected (she’s met Neil Patrick Harris). She’s a senior with spunk.
4. Menswear Dog (@mensweardog)Notable qualities: Is a
published author. Dresses better than your boyfriend. Dapper as heck.
5. Chloe The Mini Frenchie (@chloetheminifrenchie)
Notable qualities: Is super tiny. Wears pink glasses. Drinks fancy champagne but is still down to chow on pepperoni pizza.
6. Dean (@deanthebasset)
Notable qualities: Resides
in Toronto, Canada. Those ears are droopy, eh?
7. Doug The Pug (@itsdougthepug)
Notable qualities: Self-proclaimed “King of Pop Culture.” Has a New York Times bestseller. Most likely to be found wrapped up
in a fuzzy blanket.
8. Toby (@tobypuff)
Notable qualities: Very puffy. Cuddle-ability rating: 10/10.
9. Rufio Fauria (@lil_rufio)
Notable qualities: Pomsky thriving in New York City. Drinks fancy green juices.
10. Shinjiro Ono (@marutaro)
Notable qualities: The original doge. Internet sensation.
11. Joanne George (@smileytheblindtherapydog)
Notable qualities: Born
without eyes, currently works as a therapy dog. Successful in a heartwarming way. Guaranteed to
brighten your day.
12. Loki (@loki_the_wolfdog)
Notable qualities: Outdoorsy and adventurous. Has a killer dual-colored smolder. Self-proclaimed heart breaker.
13. Tazzy & The Pack (@tazzydw2)
Notable qualities: a
majestic squad of Australian Shepherds. They are comparable to that one family (everyone knows one)
that is so genetically blessed it is unreal.
14. Parker (@parkerthelabradoodle)
Notable qualities: New York City native with a scruffy-yet-luscious coat. He can rock a cardigan.
15. Tibby Tibbles (@tibbythecorgi)
Notable qualities:
Describes herself to be a lion/corgi/bunny mix. Sweet with a hint of sass. She’s got a booty (and she
knows it).
16. Maverick, Zena and Shelby (@maverick_poser)
Notable qualities: Three bulldogs livin’ it up in San Francisco. They may look grumpy sometimes, but it’s just their faces, they’re actually fun and hip.
17. Kodi Sather (@kodiak_moment23)
Notable qualities: Is not yet Instagram famous, but is an up-and-comer. Has dazzling eyes and a witty charm. Also, he once let me caption one of his photos.
18. Noonan Tank Burlog (@noonan.tank)
Notable qualities: Another up-and-comer, Noonan is a chill bulldog living in Colorado. Kind of a loser, but entirely lovable (he's a friend so I can say this about him). Had intended to run for the 2016 presidential campaign, but resigned because it was “too much work.”