We all have those days that life gets the best of us, and cows are no exception. Fortunately for them, cow herds are no cowards -- they don't need to cry or sulk in a candle-lit bubble bath to feel better. So, here are some cows with "just deal with it" attitudes to get you through your day.
1. This cow, who shouldn't be doing the laundry.
"This is the last time I look for the missing sock."
2. This cow, who realized that the grass is always greener on the other side
3. ...and this cow, who disagrees.
"Never mind how it happened, just go get the butter."
4. This cow, who has arrived with your milk delivery.
5. This cow, who can't seem to figure out how to sit down
"Do we not have bigger chairs? This is bull."
6. ... and this cow, who has mastered the art of udder relaxation.
7. This cow, who finally decided to ask for directions.
"Excuse me, sir, which way is Cowlifornia?"
8. This cow, who is just too tired
9. ...and this one, who is also two-tired.
"If I have to walk, at least my calves will look great."
10. This cow, who probably followed a squirrel a little too closely. 
13. This cow, who is having an identity crisis
"It's not a phase, Mom."
14. ...and this cow, who has embraced the art of Mariachi moosic.
15. This cow, who just wanted to get a better view
"Steaking the ladder is no laughing matter, Jim."
16. ...and this cow, who appears to just calf-ass it through life
17. This cow, who isn't going to fall for another cow pie this year
What a party animal.
18. ...and finally, this cow, who is just ecstatic that, for once, someone else is the laughing stock of the farm.
Hope this put you in a better moo-d.