In the spirit of the upcoming election, its important to remember those who have come before us. Leaders like Washington, Lincoln, and the Roosevelts have led us through some of the most difficult times in our nation, while others have made mistakes which will haunt our nation forever. What better way to honor our previous presidents then through acrostic poems?
1. George Washington
Are you
Saying that
Not the
Greatest president?
Take it back ...
2. John Adams
Are you a little sad that he is
My favorite presidents are
So dead
3. Thomas Jefferson
Juicy gossip about Jefferson:
Everyone thinks he is a
Forever acting like he is
Everyone's favorite president.
Right off the bat,
Slaves didn't like him.
Our favorite guy, Hamilton, didn't like him.
Not one bit.
4. James Madison
Mighty fine.
Author of our
Dope Constitution.
Is he a cool guy?
Ought to have tried to be cooler.
No president can be too cool.
5. Andrew Jackson
Always being a jerk.
Could you not?
K thanks.
Stupid Indian removal policy.
Over it, honestly,
Never not angry at Andrew Jackson.
6. Martin Van Buren
Aesthetically pleasing.
Neat looking side
U wish you had those sideburns, bro?
Right, you do wish you had those sideburns.
Everyone is looking
Neat with sideburns.
7. Franklin Pierce
Probably our most attractive president,
I'd say.
Everyone thinks he is
Rocking that look.
Cool guy.
Every other president should be jealous.
8. Abraham Lincoln
Look, he
Not bad at all.
Cool guy, abolished slavery.
Overall, a very good thing.
Love him, too bad
No one stopped him from being assassinated.
9. Theodore Roosevelt
Rough Riders are
Over this whole Panama Canal business.
Sad backstory, his wife and mother died on the same day.
Everyone agrees that it is
Very sad.
Everyone said,
"Let's vote for the Bull Moose party in
This election."
10. William Howard Taft
Too bad that
All anyone remembers is that he was too
To get out of the bathtub.
11. Franklin D. Roosevelt
Forever his New
12. Harry Truman
Too much like an English teacher.
Round head.
U shouldn't have dropped the atomic bomb,
My man.
Alright taste in glasses,
Nice job stopping Communism, not.
13. John F. Kennedy
Forget about the
Konspiracies, okay?
14. Lyndon B. Johnson
Little loud, sometimes,
Just as good as the rest.
15. Jimmy Carter
Caused quite a stir,
Always farming those peanuts
Right down in Georgia.
Too darn cute.
Everyone must love this guy,
16. Ronald Reagan
Really jealous of his
Effortless hairdo.
Actor in the past.
Great guy, some might think.
Aghast, we cry,
"Not trickle-down economics!"
17. Bill Clinton
Can't forget that he had an affair with Monica
Totally great.
Oh my, can he play the saxophone
Now vote for Hillary.
18. Barack Obama
Oh my god, let's just elect him again.
Bye forever, wish you were here.
Always cool,
My favorite president,
Always in my heart.