While visiting Brown University, Barack Obama's 17-year-old daughter, Malia Obama, was seen standing behind red-solo cups in a viral Snapchat photo. This current, totally tragic news has helped people put their not-so best foot forward by taking jabs at teenager.
Sounds more like the press was pretty bitter about not being invited to the college party.
"But she should be held to a higher standard!"
Excuse me. Someone must have forgotten what it’s like to be 17 and to hold the position as the president’s daughter. Maybe it's because of jealousy, considering she’s visited top universities such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford to decide where to further her education after she graduates high school. Not to mention that the picture going viral doesn’t show her holding alcohol. Regardless, these articles try to justify that she very well might be consuming beverages while being under the age of 21.
Speaking of standards, funny how more than half of these trending articles are written by females. You’re telling me, as a woman, you find it acceptable to degrade another young woman for your own benefit? Girl, bye.
Haters are always going to hate.
If it wasn’t for actually clicking on the negative articles being spread, I could have sworn Malia had just plead guilty to a misdemeanor crime. As Americans, we should be empowering one another, and yet the only thing I see being empowered is hatred because these reporters have nothing else to write about.
Society and Top News
“Spotted: Malia Obama Parties At Drug-Fueled Rager”
“Malia Obama: President’s Daughter Allegedly Seen Playing Beer Pong On Snapchat”
And my personal favorite:
“Malia Obama Just Embarrassed America in a HUGE WAY”
What's embarrassing is top headlines made and shared by Americans trying to create animosity toward a 17-year-old girl. People have grown to believe that exploiting celebrities’ personal business is an important practice and truly matters in our day-to-day lives. Society has become so interested in irrelevant topics that wouldn’t have made any difference if they weren’t being exploited and becoming viral subjects. Nowadays, privacy seems to be just as inappropriate as the president’s daughter being spotted at a college party.
Those who are interested in continuing to shame Malia Obama should first and foremost get some class, then step down from their high-horse and consider researching the real current topics found on CNN.com:
As for you Malia, keep being that bad b*tch this 21-year old college girl admires. Not getting involved in the pettiness of other's assumptions is the greatest lesson any parent, such as Barack Obama, could teach their teenager. You’re a rock star.