After the craziness of 2016, my main wish for 2017 is that it is nowhere near the level that last year was. However, I do have some more specific wishes for this year for myself, my friends and my family to make 2017 a much better year.
1. Happiness
This one sounds super cheesy, but I mean it. I have seen my friends and family go through enough in 2016 that would break even the strongest of people. In 2017, I hope all of the people I care about find more happiness than they could've ever imagined.
2. Love
Again, cheesy and generic, but I don't mean just in a romantic sense. I hope those that I love fall in love with themselves and realize just how amazing they are.
3. Romantic Love
Loving yourself comes first, but for all my single friends and family (and me, hopefully), I hope they meet someone who exceeds all their expectations and reminds them how wonderful they truly are.
4. Health
My family alone in the past month, let alone within this year or lifetime for that matter, have been notorious for having much less than perfect health. So in 2017, I hope whatever higher beings control health finally give us a break.
5. Adventure
What's the point of living if you can't make memories?
6. Laughter
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm always laughing and have a pretty distinct laugh, as well. I hope my loved ones find as much humor in 2017 as I do in just about any situation.
7. Money
As someone who is perpetually broke, I sincerely hope that 2017 blesses us all with financial security and maybe even a little extra.
8. Less stress
While this is probably unlikely, I hope through meditation or yoga or some other healthy release, that this year brings less stress. We all deserve that at this point.
9. Less political fights on Facebook
Let's be real, this election showed how truly we are divided as a nation and it was absolutely sickening. While I hope we can come together as a country, I can tell you that fighting with each other on Facebook is not going to help at all. Let's all make a pact to stop this year.
10. Weight loss
The resolution that never, ever gets kept. Here's to hoping that we all can stick with it this year.
11. More dogs
There is literally nothing better in this world than dogs. They destress, love unconditionally and are God's gift to humans, even though we don't deserve them sometimes.
12. Good music
This one seems the most promising considering Ed Sheeran dropped two new singles just days into the new year.
13. Surrounding yourself with the right people
The hardest thing is recognizing that you have surrounded yourself with someone or multiple people who haven't been/are no longer good for you. Make 2017 much better by making sure you have people around you who support and strengthen you.
14. Releasing the toxicity in your life
Similar to #13, getting rid of anything toxic in your life will make you much happier. I hope for myself, my friends and my family to have the purest energy around us in 2017.
15. Living your passion
A lot of times I find myself stuck in doing what I think I should be doing, rather than following a passion. Instead of being unhappy doing something that makes us unhappy, in 2017 we should all follow our passions and be unashamed about it.
16. Don't be afraid to speak out
I know quite a few people who fear speaking up/out against something and while I don't quite understand that, I hope this year we become more vocal. We have the right to free speech for a reason, so in 2017 let's all use it for the right reasons (i.e. not petty Facebook fights).
17. Be a light to others
My friends and family members are filled with so much that they could give to others. So I hope this year they show their true potential of how much they can bring to the world and be the ones who change the world.